The Cold War

  • Vietminh

    Ho Chi Minh organized a communist party and declared Vietnam's independence from france, the troops were called Vietminh
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    United States, Great Britain and Soviet Union
  • Truman Doctrine

    Gave $400 million in economic and military aid to Greece and turkey. Fend off communism and stay free. ECONOMIC
  • Marshall Plan

    $13 billion in aid given to rebuild western Europe. Offered to eastern Europe but soviet union said no. ECONOMIC
  • Period: to

    cold war

    The cold war is between the soviet union and the united states
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    Stalin cut off supplies int w. Berlin. US airlift food and supplies into the city. Lasted 11 months. Stalin reopened supply lines. ECONOMIC
  • NATO

    North Atlantic treaty organization. Collective security. Alliance to support one another militarily. Had to be a democracy. POLITICAL/MILITARY
  • US joined NATO

    the US joined the North Atlantic Treaty Org.
  • Stalin Dies

    Stalin Dies
    Stalin's life ended

    Southeast Asian treaty organization. US +7 other nations. To prevent the domino theory. POLITICAL/MILITARY
  • Free elections

    free elections were held to reunify the Vietnams under one elected leader but never happened
  • Eisenhower Doctrine

    Like the Truman Doctrine but for the middle east. Offered economic and military support if communism threatened the middle east. ECONOMIC
  • IndoChina

    indochina became a french colony
  • Peace Corps

    Peace Corps
    Program of volunteer assistance to developing nations of Asia, Africa and Latin america. By 1986 35,000 volunteers had helped in 61 nations. ECONOMIC
  • Alliance for Progress

    Foreign aid program. Offered economic and technical assistance to Latin America countries. U.S. invested $12 billion. ECONOMIC
  • Golf of Tonkin

    Golf of Tonkin
    US patrol ships were allegedly attacked by NVA gun boats in the golf of tonkin causing congress to pass the tonkin gulf resolution
  • Moon Landing

    Moon Landing
    NASA wins the space race and lands on the moon
  • Bombed the Ho Chi Minh trail

    Bombed the Ho Chi Minh trail
    Nixon widened the war into Laos and Cambodia by bombing the Ho Chi Minh trail
  • Peace with Honor

    Nixon was reelected and a cease fire was negotioated
  • Soviet Union Collapses

    Soviet Union Collapses
    Russia elects Boris Yeltsin to lead new democracy