The Truman Doctrine
President Harry Truman and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill were concerned about the spred of communism. The Truman doctrine states that the U.S. will help any country in a communist takeover. The Doctrine will lead to wars in Vietnam and Korea. -
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The Berlin Airlift
Joseph Stalin blocked all ground ways into West Berlin. President Truman called for an airlift of food and supplies into West Berlin. We fly in the supplies for 15 months. Joseph Stalin finallly ended the blockade, realizzing that the United States would help thier allies. -
Joseph McCarthy/ HUAC
Josseph McCarthy was a senator form Wisconsin. He claimed that the government was corrupt with communists. HUAC, the House of UnAmerican Activities Commity, commenced many trials acusing people of communism. -
The Space Race
The Space Race was between the United States and the Soviet Union. The Soviets had the first satelite, Sputnik, in space. The USSR also had the first human in space, Yuri Gagarin. In July 1969, America put the first man on the moon. -
Nikita Krushchev
Krushchev was the leader of the Soviet aUnion dring the Cold War. He was responsible for the building of the Berlin Wall.Krushchev, along with Kennedy, was on the brink of starting World War Three during the 50's and 60's. -
Vienna Summit
The Vienn Summit was a meeting held in Austira between U.S. President Kennedy and Soviet Union Leader Nikita Krushchev. The two were trying to discuss the Cold War, but Kruschev thaought he could puch Kennedy around. After the meetinf, Kruschev ordered the construction of the Berlin Wall, and Kenney incresed millitry spending, indicating that the meeting did not go well. -
The Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall surrouned all of West Berlin and cut off all land travel into the city. The wall was heavily gaurded. The wall was ordered to be built by Nikita Krushchev after the Vienna Summit. West Berlin ran short of food and other supplies due to the cut off. -
The Kennedy Assassination
President Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas, Texas. His assassin was a trained millitary sniper, who fired from the Texas Schoolbook Depository. Kennedy was shot twice, once in th throat and another in the head. -
SDI Program
The Star Wars Plan, or Strategic Defense Intiative, was initiated by President Ronald Reagan. The plan was proposed because of the Cold War. The pan was to put lasers in space to shot incoming missles.It was criticized as be.ing unrealistic and unscientific -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
The head of Germany anounced that day tat the citizens could cross the border as the wished. On that eve, the people were so excited tha they began to tear the wall down.