Yalta Confrence/Pact
One of three confrences that decided the future of Europe. Along with the Tehran Confrence and the Potsdam Confrence, Europe was divided into East and West, along with Germany being divided in the same manner. -
End of World War II
Truman Doctrine
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Marshall Plan
The Marshall Plan gave aid to war torn European states. The plan was the quick reconstruction of western countries, with an emphesis on capitalist goods, would stiffle communist sentiments -
Formation of NATO
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is the military Alliance of the US, Canada, and west european powers. This was created to form a strong military collition against the USSR. -
Creation of Israel
The Israeli state was created to house the Jews left homeless and distraught after World War II. The new Jewish country created a disruption in the predominately muslim Middle East. -
People's Republic of China
After a long Civil War, even through Japanese occupation during World War II, Mao Zedong and the Communist party rose to power, crafting a new communist country. -
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Korean War
[Korean War memorial website](www.koreanwar.org) The Korean War was a conflict between the democratic South Korea and the communist backed North Korea. The US fought along with the south, untill the Chinese supported north pushed them back to the 38th parallel.
27 July 1953 - An armistice was signed so the war continues to this day. -
Treaty of San Fransisco
Treaty of peace between the new democratic Japan and US occuping forces. The US used Japan as a staging ground for democratic pressure in Asia. Japan experienced an increadible recovery after the end of World War II, becoming the fourth largest economic in the power into the 21st century. -
Formation of the Warsaw Pact
The Warsaw Pact was the equivilant of NATO in the Eastern Bloc. Like NATO, the Warsaw Pact provided a common defense initiative between the Communist nations -
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Vietnam War
Hungarian Revolution
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Berlin Wall
Berlin Wall Memorial The Berlin Wall divided Berlin into democratic west and communist east. It was often used to represent the division that the "iron curtain" caused between West and East Europe. The end of the wall and unity of Berlin showed the world that the USSR was about to crumble. -
Cuban Missle Crisis
An escalation of nuclear threats between the US and the USSR. US sets up nuclear missles in Turkey. USSR retaliates by building missle silos in Cuba. The US inturn blockaded the island. The highest moment of nuclear tention and closest point to the use of nuclear war. -
Prauge Spring
Tiananmen Square Protests
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Soviet War in Afghanistan
The Soviets entered in a war with the islamic insurgents during the 80s. The islamic insurgents, who were attempting to topple the soviet government, were heavily backed by western countries like the US and the UK. Ultimatly, the Soviets were forced to withdraw forces. It is often named as the "Soviet Union's Vietnam" -
Velvet Revolution
The Velvet Revolution was a non-violent transition of power in Czechoslovakia. A student demonstration led to police suppression riot. Using this momentum, the people were able to remove the weak communist government and install a new democratic one. -
Collapse of the Soviet Union