Quebecs Padlock Law
This low basicly protected Quebec from communitst propaganda. -
Period: to
Canadas Role In the Cold War
Spies in Canada
Gouzenko Affair made Canadians aware of Soviet plans. -
Berlin Blockade
Created large tension between soviets and their former alies. -
International Alliances
The warshaw pact was created as a result of this, and prevented a soviet attack. -
"The Forgotten War"
The United nations were seperated even more after this. -
Vietnam War & draft dogers in Canada
Canada suffered many casulities. -
Sputnik & Canadas Space program
This put fear into the emimies because they now knew that the Soviets could launch a nucular war head anywhere with in range. -
UN Peacekeeping
United Nations attempted to keep the peace between the Nations. -
Nucular war Heads in Canada
Caused a major drop in the economy. -
Avro Arrow
Reduced Amerca's contributions to the war heads. -
Continental Alliances
NORAD is simply a warning system, designed to prevent missles from hitting North America. -
Cuban Missle Crisis
This caused Russians and Cubans to begin prepairing for a nucular war, also upset Turkey. -
Canada-Soviet Hockey Series
Nation pride was raised. -
The Fall of the Berlin Wall
As a result of this, Russia lost in the Cold War. -
The Fall of the Soviet Union
The Soviets had lost the war, and a nucular attack was no longer considered a threat.