Period: to
Civil War
abraham lincoln is elected president
Texas secedes
battle of fort sumter
first battle at bull run
Battle of shiloh
ended on april 7th 1862 -
battle of Cold Harbor
battle of seven pines
Battle of Chatttanooga
there were three battles ist june 7,1862
2nd august 21,1863
3rd nov 23,1863 -
the seven day's battle
was a serries of six major battle over seven days from june 25 to july 1st 1862 -
Hapers ferry
Battle at antietam
battle of Fredericksburg
Emancipation proclamation issued
Battle of chancellorsville
Battle at Vicksburg
may 18, 1863-July 4,1863 -
battle at gettysburg
battle of sabine pass
General Shemans Atlanta Campain
Battle of Spotsyvania
abraham lincoln re-elected
General Lee's surrender at Appomattox Courthouse
President lincoln assassinated
battle at palmito ranch