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Issues That Started the Civil War
The Civil War was a battle between the North and the South. This timeline is about all the events that lead up to the Civil War.There was always conflict between the North and the South because they always disagreed. These events are examples of these disagreements about the North and the South. -
The Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise was created because of the conflict over the fact that Missouri applied for statehood as a slave state. It was crafted by Representative Henry Clay of Kentucky. It admitted Missouri to the Union as a slave state, it kept the balance of power between slave and free states equal, and it caused Congress to draw an invisible line across the Louisiana Purchase. North of this line was where slavery was banned forever except in Missouri and in the South slavery was allowed. -
Compromise of 1850
The Compromise of 1850 was created by Henry Clay and was a plan to end the deadlock over California. It admitted California to the Union as a free state, allowed the New Mexico and Utah Territories to decide whether to allow slavery, it ended slave trade in Washington D.C., and it said that human beings could no longer be sold in the nations capital. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
The Kansas-Nebraska Act created two new territories, Kansas and Nebraska. It abolished the Missouri Compromise, and left the settlers to vote on if they should allow slavery in the new territories. It was passed on May 30th,1854. -
The Dred Scott case
The Dred Scott case was a case concerning a Missouri slave named Dred Scott. Before, Scott had traveled with his owner to Wisconsin which was a state where slavery was banned. When he returned back home he went to court to win his freedom. He stated that since he traveled to Wisconsin, that trip made him a free man. In the end Scott didn't win his freedom but this case caused the North to become outraged which was one reason the Civil War occurred. -
Election of 1860
The Election of 1860 showed how divided the nation had become. The Republicans were behind Abraham Lincoln but the Democrats had divided into Northern and Southern factions. Abraham Lincoln won the presidential election but to the South this election delivered an unmistakable message. They no longer had the power to shape national events or policies. They feared Congress would try to abolish slavery. -
Attack On Fort Sumter
Confederates in Charleston, South Carolina, opened fire on Fort Sumter. There was 33 hours of shelling involved. Soon the defenders of the for surrendered. This event was the very last event before the Civil War.