The Civil War

  • Confederate States of America is formed

    Jefferson Davis is president. Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia.
  • Abraham Lincoln is sworn in as President

    Abraham Lincoln is sworn in as President
    16th President of the United States
  • Open fire on Fort Sumter

    Open fire on Fort Sumter
    Beginning of Civil War
  • Lincoln issues General War No. 1

    Lincoln issues General War No. 1
    Calls for all United States naval and land forces to begin a general advance by his birthday (2/22)
  • General Henry W. Halleck is appointed general in chief

    General Henry W. Halleck is appointed general in chief
    By President Lincoln
  • Emancipation Proclamation issued

    Emancipation Proclamation issued
    by president Lincoln
  • General Joseph Hooker appointed Commander of the Army

    General Joseph Hooker appointed Commander of the Army
    By President Lincoln, Hooker replaces Burnside
  • General Grant is appointed to command all armies of the US

    General Grant is appointed to command all armies of the US
    By President Lincoln
  • Lincoln re-elected President

    Wins against Democrat George B. McClellan
  • Appomattox Surrender

    Confederates surrender to the Union
  • Celebratory Parties in Fort Sumter

    Civil War is officially over. President Lincoln shot on this night.