Civil rights

The Civil Rights Movement

  • Period: to

    Civil Rights Movement

  • Brown V. Board of Education of Topeka

    Brown V. Board of Education of Topeka
    Linda Brown was denied schooling in Topeka Kansas. The case was taken to Supreme court where it was ruled that Segregation in public schools was unconstitutional.This event (Brown V. Board of Education of Topeka) was a social event.
  • The Pearsall Plan

    The Pearsall Plan
    With the Adoption of The Pearsall Plan it gave the option for schools to close instead of integrate. It also permitted the state legislature to give tutition money to parents who perferred to have their child attend private schools.
  • Montgomrey Bus Boycott

    Montgomrey Bus Boycott
    Rosa Parks was arrested after not giving up her seat on a local bus to a white women. Becuase of this, African Americans refused to ride the bus this protest Was brought to Supreme Court and ruled unconstitutional,this led to the founding of the SCLC. This was a Social controversy because it caused a lot of outrage.
  • The Little Rock Nine

    The Little Rock Nine
    Little Rock schools made plans to integrate but, African American students were still not welcomed in Arkansas schools. On September 3rd, Orval Faubus order the National Gaurd to not let these students in the school. This occured for three weeks until President Dwight Eisenhower ordered federal troops into Little Rock. The students were allowed into the school but were escourted for their saftey. This is a social event because it was widely-known and upset many people.
  • Famous Sit-in in Greensburo "Coffee Party"

    Famous Sit-in in Greensburo "Coffee Party"
    In Greensburo, North Carolina students gathered at a lunch counter in a well- known restraunt named Woolworth's.These four students were refused service so they stayed there until the restraunt closed and returned the next day. This was known as the Greensburo "Coffee Party".This is known as a economic event because of it's toll on customers.
  • Famous March on Washington

    Famous March on Washington
    Due to the wide spread protests in Birmingham Civil Rights leaders planned a huge demostration in Washington D.C. 250,000 people took part in this march. It ended at the Lincoln Memorial and Dr. King gave his universally-known I Have A Dream speech. This event is political because it showed that many people want civil rights laws to protect African Americans.
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964

    The Civil Rights Act of 1964
    When President John F. Kennedy was assasinated on Novemeber 22, 1963 Vice President Lynson B. Johnson was sworn into office. He was as strong supporter of the Civil Rights Legislation. In July, he signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This was a economic event because it prevented job descrimination, equal pay for equal work, and banned segregation in public places.
  • Voting Rights Act

    Voting Rights Act
    President Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act. This prevented African Americans from having to take literacy tests and having other laws that prevented them from voting. Within weeks the precentage of African Americans that registered to vote jumped from 10% to 60%. This was known as a politcal event because it let African Americans have a voice in how our government was ruled.
  • Lawsuit against Edgewood school district

    Lawsuit against Edgewood school district
    Parents of Edgewood schoolchildren file a lawsuit saying that the Texas system of public school finacing discriminates against the poor. $231.00 per student and has one of the highest tax rates in the area. This is a economic event.
  • Race riot report is issued

    Race riot report is issued
    In March of 1968, The Kerner Commison issued a report that the nation has spilt into two societies. It was either Black, and poor; or Whte and sufficent. This was a social event.
  • Martin Luther Kiig Jr. is assasinated .

    Martin Luther Kiig Jr. is assasinated .
    Dr. King was assasinated by James Earl Ray while he was standing on the balcony of his hotel. This caused riots due to the fact Dr. King was a huge inspiration to African Americans. this was a social event.
  • Fair Housing Act

    Fair Housing Act
    This act states that it is unlawful to refuse to rent or sell land or housng to someone because of race or sexualtiy. This is a political event.
  • Equal Rights Admendment

    Equal Rights Admendment
    Even though the Civil Rights Act of 1962 gave rights to African Americans there was still unequal treatment on sex. Even though Congress passed this not enough states approved it. This is a economic event becasue it garunteed equal jobs and pay for men and women.
  • The Color Purple is Published

    The Color Purple is Published
    Alice Walker wrote The Color Purple and it caused controversey among segregationalists and African Americans. This was a economic event because There was a lot of sales among African Americans wanting to read this book.
  • Confederate flag removed

    Confederate flag removed
    The South Carolina Senate comprimises a bill that states that the confederate flag be removed from the top of the State Capitol and be placed in a confederate War Memorial this is a political event.