The Council of Chalcedon
Convoked by emperor Marcian, It was attended by 520 bishops clarifying the nature of Christ and the orthodox doctrine of the trinity. The Fourth Ecumenical Council is known to approved the Creed of Nicaea and the Nicene Creed which is accepted by all of Christianity. It has also ruled that Jesus Christ is in two natures which was against the doctrine of Monophysitism. This issue was heavily debated as it led to the break between the Eastern Orthodox Church and The Oriental Orthodox Church. -
Jul 16, 1054
East-West Schism
Divided Christianity into Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy, The Church spilt along Doctrinal, Theological, Political, and Geographic line which still hasn't been healed. The main causes were disputes over papal authority and the way the church came to perceive itself. The Western Church became autocratic and centralised because of the strengthening of the Papal authority while the Eastern Church view their sources of law and unity in ecumenical councils and emperor, whom God was above. -
Jul 16, 1054
Pope Leo IX 'The Pilgrim Pope'
Pope Leo IX's Traditional values enforce him to campaign against what he believed were the Church's Evil. This include clerical marriage, simony and lay investiture. With desire to have the Roman Catholic as the core of Christianity, he succeeded in transforming the Roman Papacy into worldwide power. During 1054, Pope Leo IX declared the Patriarch of Constantinople, Michael Cerularius, to be excommunicated. A week later the patriarch condemned the cardinal. This mark the beginning of the Schism. -
Jan 1, 1348
The Black Death
Believed to be a punishment by God, People turned to the Church for Help but the priests and bishops weren't able to provide a cure or even an explanation. This resulted lost of influences of the Catholic Church and people as well as their views on the world completely changed. The flagellant movement has started in 1348 where men would whip themselves and travel to towns hoping to be purged from the wrath of God. Though this movement brings hope to the citizens, it was condemned by the Church. -
Oct 31, 1517
Reformation - Martin Luther and the 95 theses
The 95 theses ,written by Martin luther, challenged the teaching of the Catholic Church. Luther objected the corrupt practice of selling indulgences, the authority of the pope and the nature of penance. This started a theological debate that inflame the reformation. This reformation has resulted of the birth of Protestantism and the Lutheran. The 95 theses is still the foundation of the Protestant Reformation. A year later, the pope condemn the writing as conflicting to the church teachings. -
Dec 13, 1545
The Council of Trent
Caused by the Reformation, The 19th Ecumenical Council was held for 3 period. The goals of the council were to properly define doctrines, correct morals and restore the peace among Christians as many were leaving the church. The council was vital because the Church was able to reform itself as well as clarifying every doctrine that the protestants contested. The relationship of faith and salvation was also defined because of Martin Luther doctrine 'Justification by faith alone'. -
Sep 25, 1555
Peace of Ausburg
The Peace of Ausburg has officially ended the religious conflict arising from the reformation within the Holy Roman empire. This made Catholicism and Lutheranism legal in Germany. The main aspects was that Catholics and Lutheran are to maintain Peace and Lutheran royalties would have the same securities of catholics. Royalties have to decide whether to become a catholic or lutheran. If the principalities didn't choose they would have to give up on religious control which the church will own. -
First Vatican Council
Convoked by Pope Pius XI, the 20th ecumenical council were to deal with issues that were happening at that time which are the rising influence of rationalism, liberalism, materialism and inspiration of Scripture. Two constitution has been promoted by the council and confirmed by the pope. The first one is that God is personal, that man knows God is reason and revelation. The second constitution decides that a doctrine concerning morals or faith is to be held by the entire church. -
The Second Vatican Council
Founded by Pope John Paul XXIII, it was a great desire to re-examine the two foundation of the Church life which are Scripture and Tradition. 2000 Bishops and thousands of observers, auditors, laymen and laywoman attended to four session at St. Peter Basilica between 1962 and 1965. World war II aftermath has led to cultural changes which made the church to reconsider their practices. 16 documents about reconciliation encouraged friendship with non christian faith. Modern Christianity is made.