The Council of Chalcedon
The Council of Chalcedon was made because people were questioning if Jesus was human or divine. After this event anyone who did false teachings would be cursed. They announced that Jesus was one person who was son of God and son of man. -
May 3, 1054
East-West Schism
This event split the Eastern Romans with the Western Orthodox. After Pope Leo IX had disagreements with the Eastern Patriarchs over who was truly the leader of the church. The catholic church was split into 2 different cultures a west and an east. They consisted to different customs but still had faith in God and Jesus. -
May 3, 1347
The Black Death
The black death occurred in the 14th century.Majority of the European population died from this disease at this time.Many people in society scared of dieing and going to purgatory. Indulgences were usually given from good deeds but during this time religious leaders started to selling indulgences to people who wanted them.Indulgences were given absolution from sins. -
Jan 1, 1500
The Reformation
During the 16th century, the society was corrupt and people were being scammed, so the church realized this and decided to change their ways. They began to change the catholic teachings and beliefs so that the church was no longer corrupt. -
Oct 31, 1517
Martin Luther's publication of 95 Theses
Martin Luther was a significant figure in the catholic church. He was important to the reformation of the church as he had posted 95 theses of church teaching and a catholic lifestyle. He wanted to get rid off indulgences. -
Dec 24, 1545
Council of Trent
Created by Pope Paul III. The council held multiple meetings between years 1545 and 1563. They dealt with the issues occurring with reformation in the church. They banned corrupt acts of religious leaders like being ordained for 6 months before becoming a bishop Clerics and they weren't to abuse indulgences were, also to stay in their area. To train future leaders more in a way that would honour the church. -
Sep 25, 1555
Peace of Augsburg
Emperor Charles V was against Lutheranism, he wanted the catholic faith to unite Germany. The Lutherans tried to prove a point at a event known as the Diet of Augsburg, this did not work and the Emperor gave them some time to change their faith. However later on the Emperor was forced to reconcile with the protestants as he was opposed by Elector Maurice. Peace was finally met in 1555 between the Lutherans and the Emperor. However they had to live in regions in co-ordinance with their faith. -
The First Vatican Council
The first vatican council was created by Pope Pius IX and 744 bishops were recorded to be there. It was held to review the catholic faith, to decide the influence that the pope had on the church. The council confirmed that the pope was the head of the church and that he was infallible, which means that he is never wrong. They also wanted to explain the dogma of the Immaculate Conception -
The Second Vatican Council
Formed by Pope John XXIII lasting from 1962 to 1965. It had over 2600 bishops who cames from many different places around the world. It was to try and promote peace around the world among one another. The pope said their goal was to open the windows of the church, this means to allow for flexibility and change within the church