The Council of Chalcedan
Convened by Pope Leo VIII -
Period: Feb 9, 1400 to
The chuch history
Feb 1, 1500
the bubonic plague
Killed 30-60% of the european population
medivel doctors thought plauge was caused by currput air
Symptoms: high fever bleeding -
The refurmation
Split within Christianty
Iniated by Luther, Calvin and others
Reformation began withattempts to reform the church -
Council of trent
Was considered one of the most important concils in church history
Pope Paul 3 was invoked the conucil -
The counter reformation
Was a cetholic refromation preceded by the council of trent
Spirtual movements
A new reformed calender was put into place -
The FIrst Vaitvan council
the council opened on the 8th december and closwed on 20 october
Coucil was created to deal with contempany problems of the influences of naturlism -
the second Varican council
perations took more then 2 years
adreesed relationships between the church and the modern world