David dreams of a city
This city that David would see in is dreams was clustered on the curve of a big blue bay,In his dreams he would see things as if they were in the future,He would tell about his dream and people would deny his dreams. -
David meets Sophie, who has six toes on each foot
Sophie’s foot gets stuck; while David assists her foot out,
discovers that Sophie has six toes. In Waknuk this is a deviation and you are not suppose to look different then anyone. This a secret that David has to keep so she doesn't get thrown out, -
David wishes for another hand
David tells us that the incident began when he got a bad splinter and tried to bandage his hand by himself. When his mother got angry at him for doing a poor job, he told her that he “could have managed all right by myself if I’d had another hand.” -
David has nightmares of his father killing Sophie
Uncle Axel was told about David's and Rosalind's telepathy
Uncle Axel comes across David, who appears to be talking to himself. Uncle Axel suggests that it would be more entertaining to talk to other people. Because David trusts Uncle Axel, he tells him that he was actually talking to Rosalind, Once Uncle Axel understands that David is able to communicate telepathically to Rosalind, he makes David promise never to tell anyone about his ability. -
David meets "spiderman" who looks like his father
An invasion from the Fringes occurs in Waknuk. Gordon Strorm or the "Spider-man", who is Joseph’s brother and who was banished into the Fringes, meets David briefly After the Fringes incident passes, the Inspector and Joseph disagree over the deviance of Angus Morton’s great-horses, which are larger than normal horses, but government-approved. -
Sophie and her family has to flee after Alan finds out
One day Sophie and David they are barefoot at the river catching shrimp when a boy from David’s school, Alan, happens to come upon them. David throws Sophie her shoes and tries to distract Alan with conversation, but he notices Sophie’s six-toed footprint on a rock. -
Petra is born and is found to have telepathy skills
Petra's abilities are slightly different from those of David and the others. The difference in abilities is that Petra has a stronger force of communicating. Petra also has the ability to communicate telepathically at a very long range. Petra was able to communicate with the Sea lady, who was very far away, when no one else was able to. -
David wishes to lose his ability
Anne marries Alan
Alan is killed by Uncle Axel
Alan, a boy with who David goes to school with, sees Sophie’s six toed footprint and reports her to the authorities, an act that forces Sophie and her family to flee their home. He marries Anne, Uncle Axel kills Alan when he learns that Alan knows about David and the other telepath’s abilities. -
Anne left behind a note before committing suicide, but Rachel destroyed it
The Telepathy kids secret is in jeopardy because of Petra
Sally and Katherine are captured
Sally and Katherine more telepathic kids, responds to Petra’s cry for help in the forest, and our captured by government officials who torture them into confirming that Rosalind, David, and Petra are Blasphemies. They feel guilt because of this, but manages to protect the identities of Rachel, Michael, and Mark. The group fears that Sally may have gone insane as a result of the torture inflicted upon her -
Petra starts communicating with a Sealand women
Petra receives a message from far away to the south-west. It is someone asking questions about who she is and where she is. Petra finds out that they are a long long way away on an island called Zealand. She also tells Petra that her world has lots of houses, different from Waknuk houses, much bigger. And there are funny carts without horses running along the roads. And things in the air, with whizzing things on top of them. -
Sealand is actually the city that David dreamed of before
David, Rosalind and Petra are captured by the Fringe people but saved by Sophie
Sophie,Joseph Strorm, and Gordon Strorm dies in the battle
The Sealand woman arrives and kills the Fringes and Waknuk people
David, Rosalind,and Petra are taken to Sealand