586 church 1


  • 451

    the council of chalcedon

    the council of chalcedon
    the council of nicea taught that jesius was devine but this led to furthur problems. was jesus truley human or as was believed about the greek and roman gods, was he only semi human pretending to be human but not sharing our full human nature and experience.
  • 451

    the council of chalcedon

    the council of chalcedon
    the over emphasise to humanity can lead to overlooking or denying his divinity. to over emphasise humanity can lead to denying his humanity. since we only know what it is like to be human, it is impossible for us to imagine what it would be liketo be both human and divine. yet the beliefe is that Jesus is both human and divine cornerstone of the christian faith.
  • Jan 1, 1320

    the black death

    the black death
    everyone was dying from the auful black death and the bubonic plague. it was spread from flys and rats and killed people in a ,matter of days and sometime hours.
  • Jan 1, 1508

    abuses of indulgences

    abuses of indulgences
    priests and bishops gave too much excess of indulgence.
    falsley claiming christian brothers and sisters that the pope could forgive all sortss of sins.
    took money from people.
  • Jan 1, 1517


    luther circulated as theses, which wre posted on the door of the whittenburg castle church. the document contained on attach on papal abuses and the sale of indulgences by church officials.
    Luther was a book writed and all of his books were burned.. along with a few other early book writers who were christian.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1517 to

    the changing church

  • Jan 1, 1530

    the council of trent

    the council of trent
    the council of trent taught that the salvations do indeed come from our human and devine god as pure gifts but also bringing out the fact that it also needs loads of human cooperation.
    raising money for indulgences was forbidden.
    faith and good actions was the reason for declaration of the council.
  • the first vatican council

    the first vatican council
    the teaching of the council that the pope, has supreem power on the whole church. he is infalliable and free from all errors with the definatively taught with faith and morals and believed the whole church.
  • the first vatican council

    the first vatican council
    it reviewed and summarisedcatholic faith, and dealt with the authority of the pope. the pope as the true sucessor of saint peter has supreme power of the whole church and as sucessor of peter he is infalliable or free from error when he teaches definativley that a doctrine concerning faith or moralsa is to be believed by the whole church.
  • the second vatican council

    the second vatican council
    after world war two the second vatican council came about.
    it was the 21st ecumental council of the catholic church and becoming a big turning point in to the modern world and church.
  • documents of the second vatican council.

    documents of the second vatican council.
    • liturgy
    • the church
    • how god is relevent to us
    • the modern world (marraige and family, cultural, social and econimic life, the political community, war, peace e c t. -modern means of communication
    • eastern catholic churches
    • other christian churches
    • role of the bishops
    • the role of priests
    • traing priests
    • lay people in the church
    • missionary activity of the church
    • the life of religious men and women -non-christrian religions
    • christian education
    • religious freedom