The Changing Church

  • 313

    Emperor Constantine Ends the Persecution of Christians

    The Great Persecution officaially ended in April, 311. What caused this was when Galerius, senior emporer of the Tetrarchy, issued an edict of toleration, by doing this he was able to Grant Christians the right to practise their religion, even tho this was a great thing for the Christians, it did not restore any property to them
  • Period: 313 to


  • 325

    First Council of Nicaea

    The First Council of Nicea, was a council which consisted of Christian bishops got together in Nicaea in Bithynia by the Roman Emperor Constantine I in 325. The council's main accomplishments were the settlement of the Christological issue of the nature of the Son of God, and his complex relationship to God the Father
  • Jan 1, 622

    Muhammad Founds Islam

    Muhammad was born 570, and later 632. He was the founder of the religion that was Islam, accepted by Muslims throughout the world as the last of the prophets of God.
  • Jan 1, 1095

    First Crusade

    The Fisrt Crusade began as a widespread of pilgrimageand ended up as a military expedition by Roman Catholic Europe, attempting to regain the Holy Lands taken in the Muslim conquests of the Levant, by doing this the result of the expedition was that they recaptured of Jerusalem, during 1099
  • Jan 1, 1512

    Fifth Lateran Council

    The Fifth Lateran Council was the Last Ecumenical of the Catholic Church before the Reformation. There were twelve sessions, the first five of them, were held by Julius II 's pontificate, these sessions were spread all through the year of 1512, except for the 5th was held during early 1513.
  • Jan 1, 1534

    Henry VIII becomes head of the Church of England

    Henry VIII (b.28th June, 1491) was the King of England for 21st of April, until his death on the 28th of January, 1547. He was Lord, and later assumed the Kingship, of Ireland, and continued the nominal claim by English monarchs to the Kingdom of France.
  • Jan 1, 1536

    Calvin's 'Institutes' are written

    John Calvin wrote "Institutes of the Christian Religion", which contains information about his seminal work of Protestant systematic theology. His work was highly influential in the Western World and is still widely read by theological students today. The booke was written as an introductory texybook on the Protestant faith for those with some previous knowledge of theology.
  • Jan 1, 1545

    Council of Trent Begins the Catholic, or Counter Reformation

    The opening of the Council of Trent marked the beginning of the Catholic Reformation, which is also known as the Counter-Reformation. Responding to the Reformation, the council charted the Catholic' churche's course for the next 400 years.
  • Second Vatican Council Begins

    The 21st Roman Catholic ecumenical, ran by Pope John XXIII.This Council contained 16 documents that redefine the nature of the church, it gave bishops greater influence in church affairs, and increased lay participation in liturgy.
  • Charlemagne Unites Europe and Becomes Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire

    Charlemagne (c.742-814), was a medieval emperor who ruled much of Western Europe from 768 to 814. He set out a mission to unite all Germanic peoples into one kingdom, and convert all his subjects to his religion, Christianity.Once he died, Charlemagne's empire encompassed much of Western Europe. Some today even refer to him ad "The Father of Europe"