Janssen produced the first compound microscope. -
Robert Hooke
Hooke was the first to discover cellular composition. He looke at a cork slice under a microscope, and named the chembers that he saw cells. He introduced the world to cell science, but he was under appreciated at the time. -
Redi conducted an expiriment to disprove spontanious generation. He proved that rotten meat doesn't turn into flies, and only flies can produce flies. -
Leeuwenhoek discovered bacteria (he called them animalcules) by using his homemade microscope and observing dental swatches -
Trembley was the first to study stem cells. He cut a polyp and observed it as it regenerated and moved. He tried to determine if or was a plant or an animal, but he was torn. -
Turpin stated that chlorophyll played a big role in cell developement. -
Dutrochet proposed that every cell is made by another cell. He also said that the cell is the basic structure of any organism. -
Brown discovered the random movement of molecules by closely observing them. -
Schleiden shared the theory thst everythilng was made up of cells with Schwann, but his theory of cell formation was dofferent. He believed that cells had free formation where they could just randomly crystalize. This theory was proven wrong in later studies. -
Schwann came up with the theory that all animals are made up of cells or products of cells. He worked collaboratively with Schleiden who made the same discovery at the same time. -
Mohl is the first to state that all cells are made by cell division. -
Virchow is credited for emphasising the importance of cell division in the creation of new cells. -
Pasteur was the first person to prove that living things only come from living things. -
Schneider was the first to describe the process of cell division. -
Golgi discovered a delicate network inside of a cell. This was named in his honor as the Golgi apparatus.