Annelies Marie Frank
On June 12, 1929, Anne Frank was born. She did in a concentration camp of typhus when she was 15. -
Japan invades Manchuria
Chancellor Hitler
Adolf Hitler was chosen as Chancellor of Germany by president Paul Von Hindenburg. -
Book Burning in Germany
Burning of inadequate books began in Germany. -
Hitler as dictator
Adolf Hitler became absolute dictator of Germany by abolishment of office of president. -
Japan invades China
Werner dies
Liesel taken to foster parent's house
Liesel's birthday
World War II starts
Poland was invaded by Germany which led to the start of World War II. -
Soviet Union Invades Poland
Stoled first book
Italy invades France
Max made Liesel a book for her bday.
Take over Kiev
Germay ended up taking over Kiev, which was capital of Ukraine. -
Jew deportations
Germans began deporting jews to the ghettos. -
Steals "The whistler" again.
Japan bombs Pearl Harbor
Germany vs USA
Germany declared war against the United States of America. -
Steals 2nd book
Jew parade
Killing in Himmel
Death of Hitler
Adolf Hitler ended up committing suicide . -
Germany surrenders
Germany ended up giving in to the Soviets. -
Liese is a survior of the bombing