Hans Hubermann escapes death
Page 176 -
Max beats Walter
Page 191 -
Max moves in with Hans
Page 200 -
Max makes his book.
Page 223 -
The seven sided die is introduced.
Page 243 -
The mother and the brother are dead.
Page 20 -
Liesel takes here first book
page 24 -
Liesel, her mom, and her brother are riding on the train.
Page 7 -
Liesel arrived to Himmel Street.
Page 26 -
Liesel meets Rudy.
page 47 -
Liesel takes her first bath.
page 35 -
Liesel meets Rudy
page 47 -
Hans Hubermann finds Liesels book
page 54 -
Hans Hubermann starts to teach Liesel how to read
Page 65 -
Max writes/draws his sketches.
Page 277 -
Liesel steals The Whistler
Page 289 -
WWII begins
Page 73 -
Leisel gets in a fight
Page 78 -
Liesel offers Rudy a kiss, but he doesn't want it.
Page 303 -
The Whistler falls in the river
Page 302 -
Liesel starts writting letters.
Page 94 -
Part 2
Leisel finishes the "Grave Digger's Handbook"
Page 86 -
Liesel gets 2 books for christmas
Page 84 -
Aurthur beg moves
Period: to
Hans gets a copy of Mein Kampf
Page 128 -
Liesel steals her scond book
Page 83 -
Liesel steals another book
Page 120 -
Hans Hubermann gets called a coward by his son
105 -
Hans Hubermann slaps Liesel.
Page 116 -
Liesel finally goes to the Mayors house.
Page 131 -
Liesel Goes in the Mayors house
Page 133-134 -
The first customer cancels having mama so their laundry
Part 4
Max and Lisel "switch" dreams
Page 205 -
Max makes a book
Page 223 -
The "seven-sided" die is introuced
Page 243 -
Liesel collects laundry by herself
Part 5
Max makes another sketch
Page 277 -
Liesel steals the Whistler
Page 289 -
Max gets sick
Page 314 -
max gets his first of the nine presents
Page 321 -
Liesel gives the book back
Snow in the basment
Hans gives the jew a piece of bread
Viktor trows he whistler into the water
Max eats pea soup
The dares mares
Max moves into the baswment
Hans is paintig back blinds
The coat men come
Hans first raid
The sierns
Liesel gets her own book
Hans' truck gets here
Max leaves
Rosa dies
Rudy dies
The bombing of munich
Hans dies
Rudt rescues Liesel's book
Hans leaves
Liesel finds out who the library belongs to
Hans breakes his leg
Liesel gets pushed around for trying to find Max
Hans comes back
Liesel spends some of here money from working to mail the letters
Page 98 -
Liesel gets a whooping for spending the money.
Page 99 -
Max comes back
Liesel has kids