
The Book Thief

  • Before 1933

    Before 1933
    World War I (1914-1918) took place. Europe was devastated and created new countries. In the recovery of tens of million of soldiers and civilians,also property/industrial damages.
  • 1933

    During 1933, over 9 million Jews were working and raising families in a hard/depressing economics. German Jews numbered about 500,000 people, Source:
  • Period: to


    In 1933, the Nazi rised to power and established its first concentration camps for Jews. During the first 6 years of Hitler in dictatorship, the German Jews felt the effects of his leadership. Source:
  • Book Burning

    Book Burning
    In May 10,1933, about 25,000 not German books were burned. About 40,000 people gathered for this. Source:
  • Period: to

    The Book Thief

  • Liesels Brother Dies(Werner)

    Liesels Brother Dies(Werner)
    The unexpected death of Liesel's brother on a train was a traumatic conflict that haunted her for years, haunting her in her dreams. Liesel's mom carried her death brother out of the train in Munich Germany.(Pg.21)
  • The Book Thief made her first move

    The Book Thief made her first move
    At the burial of her brother,Werner, she stole her first book from the grave diggers to remember her brothers death in a way.The book was called "The Grave Digger's Handbook".At the time she didn't know how to read or write.(Pg.29)
  • Liesel Arrives to Himmel street,in Molching

    Liesel Arrives to Himmel street,in Molching
    Liesel is taken to her foster parents house,in a car to Himmel Street.This is Liesel's first car ride.(Pg.25)
  • Liesel began school and met Rudy

    Liesel began school and met Rudy
    While playing soccer in Himmel Street, Liesel and Rudy met. (pg 47) The two young kids grew a friendship between themselves. Liesel and Rudy walked/ran to school together each day. (pg 48)
  • Liesel learns to read

    Liesel learns to read
    After discovering 'The Grave Digger's Handbook', Hans asks Liesel if she wants to read it. She of course says yes,therefore,the midnight sessions began. (pg 65)
  • Invasion

    In September 1,1939, Poland was invaded by Germany. Germany and most of its allies conquered most of Europe. Jewish stuff was confiscated. Identification Jewish bands started to be used.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    The Great Depression began to ease and Americans were earning more and buying more so being able to buy goods and further fueling the economy.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    In the summer and fall of 1940,German and British forces began to attack eachother.
  • Max Arrives at the Hubermann's

    Max Arrives at the Hubermann's
    Max arrives at the door of Himmel Street. He feels selfish for showing up at their house and asking them to risk their lives to save his. (pg 169)After grabbing Liesel's arm after waking up, and scaring Liesel, Max promises to sleep in the bsaement instead of in Liesel's room. (pg 206/207)Three days later, Max moves to the basement.
  • Germany Technic

    Germany Technic
    In June 1941, Germany betrayed its greatest allie, which is the Soviet Union.Gas vans also appeared on the eastern front in late fall 1941. Source:
  • Sirens

    Sirens signify a possible bombing attack. The sirens notify people to take cover in their shelter. This was the first night of hiding in air raid shelters for the Hubermann's and other residents of Himmel Street. (pg 371)
  • Real Raid

    Real Raid
    Liesel kept everyone in the air-raid shelter calm by reading to them. This was very successful, and they were safe before she could finish reading the chapter. (pg 382)
  • Papa is home

    Papa is home
    After 5 days of Papas truck having an accident,Liesel and Mama received a letter saying he is coming back home in April 11,1943.With only one day delayed and one leg broken. (Pg.492)
  • Katyn Forest Massacre

    Katyn Forest Massacre
    The mass graves discovered contained the remains of 4,400 Polish military officers, who had been killed by the NKVD (Soviet secret police). The German forces discovered them.
  • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
    In April 19, 1943, the Warsaw ghetto uprising began shortly after the German troops went in to deport its inhabitants. By May 16, 1943, German troops left the Ghetto in ruins . Survivors were deported to killing centers or concentration camps.
  • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
    Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto fought against German Soldiers.
  • Liesel says Goodbye

    Liesel says Goodbye
    Since Liesel is the only survivor of the Himmel Street bombing, she says goodbye to all of her dead family and people around her. She begins with Rudy. He finally gets his kiss. Next is Mama for she can't bear look at Papa yet. She told Mama some of the memories she had of Mama. Finally is Papa. She says goodbye to Papa by placing his accordion next o him, kissing his shoulder, and thanking him for all that he did for her. (pg 536-538)
  • End of Himmel Street

    End of Himmel Street
    This day marks the end of many lives on Himmel Street. Everyone dies but Liesel. The sirens rang much to late for anyone to get to the air-raid shelters. Liesel was lucky. She was already in her own basement. Although it was not a designated air-raid shelter, it saved her life. (pg 498+529)
  • Spring Of 1945

    Spring Of 1945
    During the spring of 1945, intense fighting was taking place on both the eastern and western sides of World War II.During this time, Jews were poisoned by gas chambers.By the end of the war, as German and allied groups pushed back to the frontiers many Holocaust crimes were discovered.
  • Adolf Hitler's Death

    Adolf Hitler's Death
    In April 30,1945, Adolf Hitler commits suicide. Due to the fact that the Russian Army was one day away from him, he decided to take a bullet instead. Until 1956, he was declared dead.
  • After 1945

    After 1945
    Around May 1945, the Germans and some collaborates had murdered six million European Jews as part of genocide-The Holocaust. When allied troops discovered dead bodies in the camps and the suffering Jews the camps were shut down due to the massive Nazi murders. Source: