
The book of Luke

By €mma
  • Period: 1915 BCE to 2015 BCE

    Luke 1:1-56

    The families of John the babtist
  • Luke 1:57:80

    Luke 1:57:80
    The birth of John the babtist
  • Luke 2:1-20

    Luke 2:1-20
    The birth of Jesus
  • Luke 2:21-40

    Luke 2:21-40
    Simeon and Anna
  • Luke 4:1-13

    Luke 4:1-13
    Jesus get tested by in the desert
  • Luke 4:31-37

    Luke 4:31-37
    Jesus drives out a evil spirt
  • Luke 4:38-44

    Luke 4:38-44
    Jesus heals Simons mother in law
  • Luke 5:1-11 & 27-31

    Luke 5:1-11 & 27-31
    The calling of deciples
  • The babtistm of Jesus

    The babtistm of Jesus
  • Luke 5:12-26

    Luke 5:12-26
    Jesus heals a leper and paralysis
  • Luke 5:33 -6:11

    The pharrisees question Jesus about fasting
  • Luke 5:12-26

    Jesus heals leper and a paralytic
  • Luke 7:18-36

    Luke 7:1-17
  • Luke 8:1-15

    The parable of this sower
  • Luke 7:36-50

    Jesus is anointed by a sinner
  • Luke 8:1-15

    The parable of a sobber
  • Luke 9:1-9

    Jesus sends out the 12
  • Luke 8:16-25

    Luke 8:16-25
    Lamp stand, Jesus , family, and Jesus calms the storm
  • Luke 8:26-39

    Luke 8:26-39
    Healing the demon posed man
  • Luke 9:1-9

    Luke 9:1-9
    Jesus sends out 12
  • Luke 9:10-17

    Luke 9:10-17
    Jesus feeds 5000
  • Luke 9:18-36

    Luke 9:18-36
    Peter confesses to Christ the transfigured
  • Luke 21-27

    Luke 21-27
    Jesus predicts his death
  • Luke 9:28-37

    Luke 9:28-37
    The transfiguration
  • Luke 9:44-50

    Luke 9:44-50
    Jesus predicts his death again
  • Luke 9 51-56

    Luke 9 51-56
    Samaritans opposition
  • Luke 9 57-62

    Luke 9 57-62
    The cost of following Jesus
  • Luke 12:54-59

    Luke 12:54-59
    Interpreting the time
  • Luke 13:31-35

    Luke 13:31-35
    Jesus sorrow for Jerusalem
  • Luke 10:1-24

    Luke 10:1-24
    Jesus sends out the 72
  • Luke 9:25-37

    Luke 9:25-37
    The parable of the good samartine
  • Luke 10:38-42

    Luke 10:38-42
    At the home of Mary and Martha
  • Luke 11:1-13

    Luke 11:1-13
    Jesus teaches prayer
  • Luke 11:14-28

    Luke 11:14-28
    Jesus and beelzebul
  • Luke 11:29-32

    Luke 11:29-32
    The sign of Jonah
  • Luke 11:37-54

    Luke 11:37-54
    The woes of the Pharisee
  • Luke 12:1-11

    Luke 12:1-11
    Warnings and encouragement
  • Luke 9:37-42

    Jesus heals
  • Luke12:13-33

    The Parable of the rich fool
  • Luke13:35-48

  • Luke 12:49-53

    Luke 12:49-53
    Not peace but division
  • Luke 13:1-9

    Luke 13:1-9
    Repent or perish
  • Luke 13:10-17

    Luke 13:10-17
    Jesus heals a cripple woman on the sabbath
  • Luke 14:1-12

    Luke 14:1-12
    Jesus at the phases house
  • Luke 14:15-24

    Luke 14:15-24
    The parable of the great banquet
  • Luke 13:18-30

    The parable of the mustard seed the Yeats and the narrow odor
  • Luke 13:31-14:14

    Jesus sorrows for jurslam and eating at the Pharisees house
  • Luke 15

    Tha parable of the sheep coin and prodigal son
  • Luke 16:19-31

    The rich man of Lazarus
  • Luke 18:20-37

    The coming of the kingdom
  • Luke 18:1-17

    The parable of the persitant widow parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector, and little children
  • Luke 18:18-43

    The rich ruler Jesus again predicts his death and a blind begged receives sight
  • Luke 9:18-36

  • Luke 13:22-28

    Luke 13:22-28
    The narrow door
  • Luke 17:1-19

    Sin faith and duty and the 10 healed of lepesyb
  • Luke 11:33-36

    Luke 11:33-36
    The lamb of the body
  • Luke 13:18-20

    Luke 13:18-20
    The parable of the musterseed