Luke 1:1-56
The families of John the Baptist and Jesus -
Luke 1:57-80
The birth of John the Baptist -
Luke 2:1-20
The birth of Jesus -
Luke 2:21-40
Simeon and Anna -
Luke 2:41-52
Jesus at the temple as a boy -
Luke 3:1-20
John the Baptist prepares the way -
Luke 3:1-38
The baptism and genealogy of Jesus -
Luke 4:1-13
Jesus is tempted by Satan in the desert -
Luke 4:14-30
Jesus is rejected in Nazarth -
Luke 4:31-37
Jesus drives out the evil spirit -
Luke 4:38-44
Jesus heals Simeon's mother-in-law and others -
Luke 5:1-11,27-31 Luke 6:27-32
The calling of the first disciples -
Luke 5:12-26
Jesus heals a leper and a paralytic -
Luke 5:33-6:11
The Pharisees question Jesus about fasting and the Sabbath -
Luke 6:17-49
The sermon on the mount -
Luke 7:1-17
Jesus heals the servant and raises the widow's son -
Luke 7:36-50
Jesus is anointed by a sinful woman -
Luke 8:1-15
The Parable of the Sower -
Luke 8:26-39
The healing of the demon possessed man -
Luke 8:40-56
Jesus raised Jairus' daughter and healed the sick woman -
Luke 9:1-9
Jesus sends out the 12 -
Luke 9:10-17
Jesus feeds the 5000 -
Luke 9:18-36
Peter confesses Christ, the transfiguration -
Luke 9:37-50
Jesus heals a demon-possessed bot, predicts His death, and discusses who's first -
Luke 9:51-10:23
Samaritan opposition, the cost of following Jesus, and sending out the 72 disciples -
Luke 11:14-36
Jesus and Beelzebub, the sign of Jonah, and the lamp of today -
Luke 11:37-12:12
Jesus pronounces woes the Pharisees -
Luke 13:1-17
Jesus teaches on repentance and heals a crippled woman on the Sabbath -
Luke 13:18-30
The parables of the mustard seed, the yeast, and the narrow door -
Luke 13:31-14:14
Jesus' sorrow for Jerusalem and eating at a Pharisees's house -
Luke 14:15-35
The Great Benquet and the cost of being a disciple -
Luke 15
The parables of the lost sheep, coin and the prodigal son -
Luke 16:1-18
The parable of the shrewd manager -
Luke 16:19-31
The rich man and Lazerus -
Luke 17:1-19
Sin, faith, and duty -
Luke 17:20-37
The coming of the kingdom of God -
Luke 18:1-17
The Parable of the persistent widow -
Luke 18:18-43
The rich ruler, and Jesus predicts his death again -
Zacchaeus the tax collector