The Book Of Life

  • Miracle

    The day I was born. The doctors said that I am a miracle because I was born blue, and I was in observatory for couple hours.
  • Baby on board

    The day my little sister was born, it completely changed my life because Kimberly, my sister is always looking up to me. I have to be her role model, taking care of her, teaching her new things, giving her advice, and so on.
  • Kindergarten

    When I was 2 and a half years old I started kindergarten and I didn't cry.
  • Birthday song

    The first time I heard a teacher and students signing happy birthday to me.
  • Christmas Song

    First time ever I sang Christmas song for the school, teachers, and parents.
  • Training Wheels Off

    I rode my bike without the training wheels, it was really excited and new for me that I fell down so many times but still got up and continued riding the bike.
  • Doll House

    On my 4th birthday my parents bought me a big doll house to play with, me and my sister would always play with it so late until one day a doll moved places and we decided to never play late with dolls.
  • Kitchen

    On Christmas I received a kitchen as a gift, it was my first kitchen and I still remember it was from Barbie. I would pretend to be the chief and own a restaurant and my family would pretend to be my clients.
  • KG

    I graduated from Kindergarten, and I was so ready to go to Elementary.
  • 1st Grade

    I started my 1st grade in Elementary, and I made a lot of new friends.
  • Soccer Team

    I played on a soccer team for the first time in my life,and since then i knew I was born to play soccer.
  • School Honors

    I was still holding the Mexico flag and march with the rest of the kids, every day. They choosed me because they all say I am unique.
  • School Honors

    I did the school honors over a year. I had to hold the Mexico flag and march with the rest of the kids. I was recognized for all my achievements.
  • Life Changing

    When I was 9 years old I moved from Michoacan to Tijuana. Once
    I got to Tijuana everything was new to me, the schools, the people, and places. It was a life changing that I will never forget.
  • Life Changing Pt.2

    When I was about to start my 4th grade year, I had to cross the borderline everyday to go to school in Chula Vista. I lived in Tijuana but go to school on the other side. It was really hard that my mom ended up moving me schools and put me in a Tijuana schools.
  • Gringa Nickname

    My friends started to call me '' gringa '' because they say that I am really white to be a Mexican, and since I was born in the United States they would call me like that.
  • High School

    The first day I started my freshman year in a Vegas school.
  • Going back to GG

    I finished my junior high here in GG, but before I started my freshman year we moved to Las Vegas. We didn't like it so we decided to come back.
  • Going back to Tijuana

    I finished my freshman year. And then we moved to Tijuana again, I missed a my sophomore year because I didn't go to school that year.
  • Going back to GG

    Before I started my junior year, I came back to GG few days before to register and get ready for school.
  • Junior Year

    First day of my junior year I was really excited for that year, I was ready to see my friends and teachers again, was ready to play soccer and so much more.
  • Soccer Try-outs

    First day of try-outs and I was feeling like I was already part of the time, I had to wait a couple of days to know if I did make it. And I did, I became part of the team.
  • Life Changing pt.3

    I found out that I was coming to Hare. I cried because I had to leave the girlfriend I had that time, soccer, and my friends. It was a life changing to me again.
  • Coming to Hare

    My first day at Hare was really hard for me because I never expected myself being in this type of situation, it's been really hard for me to be honest.
  • Senior Year

    My first day of Senior Year it didn't feel right, I didn't feel excited at all. To me it felt like a regular day.
  • Senior Year pt.2

    Yesterday I was caught under the influence of alcohol. I am really ashamed for what I did and I will learn from that mistake and become someone better.