Dual Aliances, Triple alliances
The Dual Aliance was between Gremany and Austra-Hungary, Later joined Italy. This is importaint because later Austra-Hungary helped start the war, so Germany had to help them. This came to be the Triple alliance. -
Triple Alliance
The Triple Alliance consisted on Gremany, Austra-Hungary, and Italy. They would all fight with each other in the coming war. Triple Alliance happened in 1881. -
Rise of Kaiser Wilhelm II and resignation of Bismarck,
Kaiser Willhelm II forces bismarck (the original leader) to decline. He becomes new leader. he is importaint because he made the army even bigger and better. -
lapse of treaty with Russia, and the aliance of France and Russia
In the same year the tready with russia faided, and russia became alliys with the frence. This means that if there was war Germany would need to fight on both sides. -
conflics over morocco
Germany and france fought over who would control morocco. Most people were with France, so Germany backed off event is signifigent because it relates to imperalisim (taking over weaker countrys) compitition bettween european contries -
Creation of the Triple Entente
Britain made an alliance with France and Russia. Because of this the three countrys fought against the other countrys in the war. -
Austria annexing Bosnia and Herzegovina
Austria Doesn't like the rise in nationalisim (pride in country) with the countrys that separated from the ottomom empire. Austria took over Bosnia and Herzegovina as an imperal power (impearalisum is one country that has power to control trade, and goverment in the country or area) . -
The rise of militarism
A this point in time people gained more pride of their country leading to a rise in nationnalrism, and bigger and better armys being created. OIe country in particular, Germany, had built a large armed forces at this time. -
World War One Starts
durring a time of stress and tention, Arch duke Frerdinan of austria, was assasinated by a sebian extremist (gavrilo principe, part of the black hand), and they went to was and because of the alliance system that really started the war. because austra went to war Germany went to war and so forth, alilys were forced into war. -
Germany declares war on Russia and then France two days later
britin declares war on germany
Because germany invaded nutral belgum, great britian declade war on germany. The war Grows bigger and bigger untill it gathers other countrys from all around the war.