The black Death

  • 1338

    The plague begins

    The Black Death takes it's first victms near Issyk-Kul
  • 1338

    The plague spreads

    The plague spreads to Cathay, northern India and Turkey
  • 1339

    The plague reaches constantinople

  • 1339

    The plague reaches Egypt and Sicily

  • Dec 31, 1347

    The plague reaches Genoa

  • 1348

    It hits Cyprus, Aleppo, Damascus and Jerusalem

  • 1348

    It hits Rome, Tunis, Marseilles and Florence

  • 1348

    It destroys France, Germany, Poland, England and Hungary

  • 1350

    It reaches Scotland, Scandinavia, Yemen and Greenland

  • 1354

    The black death dies out in Kiev