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The Black Death

  • 1320

    Gobi Desert

    The Black Death started to spread in 1320. It is believed that the Black Death originated in the Gobi desert. No one knows how or why the black death started.
  • 1338

    Lake Issyk Kul

    The Black Death reaches Lake Issyk Kul. Bodies buried here were found by modern scientists which makes this some of the first known cases of the bubonic plague. Suspiciously, no one knows how it spread there so it could have been an isolated incident.
  • 1345

    Lower Volga River

    The Black Death reaches the Lower Volga River. The lower Volga River served as a transportation for the Black Death.
  • 1346

    Crimea and Caucasus

    The Black Death reaches Crimea and the Caucasus. The black death reached here during a Mongol siege.
  • 1346


    The Black Death reaches Egypt. The back death came from a ship from Alexandria. The black death caused extreme poverty here. 7000 people died a day.
  • 1347

    Messina, Sicily

    The Black Death reaches Messina. When a ship came there with the black death most of the people were dead. This came in late June 1347
  • 1347


    The Black Death reaches Alexandria. 1000 people died a day.
  • 1347

    Italy and Greece

    The Black Death reaches Italy and Greece.
  • 1347

    Genoa, Venice

    The Black Death reaches Genoa.
  • 1347


    The Black Death reaches Constantinople. The black death killed 5000 people a day and killed 40% of the population
  • 1348


    The Black Death reaches Mecca. The illness spread through infected pilgrims.
  • 1348

    Britain and Ireland

    The Black Death reaches Britain and Ireland. The black death reached England in June 1348.
  • 1349

    Northern Europe

    The Black Death reaches Northern Europe.
  • 1351


    The Black Death reaches Moscow. It killed 100000 people.
  • 1351


    The Black Death reaches Yemen. This killed half the population.
  • The Vaccine

    In 1892 a man named Waldemar Mordecai Haffkine created a vaccine against cholera and the bubonic plague (the black death). Read more about it here