Indian Removal
The Indian Removal Act is signigfance is that this forced Inians to assimilate and relocate to reservations to make way for new American culture. -
Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny's signifigance is that more people moved west for a better life, which increased the population in the west and less in the east. -
Suffrage is the right to vote. This is signifigant to American History because without the right to vote the government wouldn't be in control by the people and it wouldn't be a 'free' country. -
Susan B. Anthony- Women's Sufferage
Susan B. Anthony fought for eqaulity for women and peitioned against slavery. She took a stand and became a world-known figure of abolishionists, sufferagists, and advocate for equality during the late 1800's, but her legacy lives in history books today. -
Homestead Act- Taking up Land
Abraham Lincoln signed the 'Homestead Act', which allowed a variety of people to apply for land grants. The signifigance of this event was that it was not just one group that could have land, multiple ethnic and gender groups could have thier chance to own land thanks to Lincoln. -
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Immigration & the American Dream
In the early 1900s, many Europeans and foreigners immigrated to the United States for a better life. Since the US, was a devolping country and had made positive steps over the years it had been established to become a country of 'freedom'. This was seen by many and millions and the early 1900s, many Europeans and foreigners immigrated to the United States for a better life. -
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Industrialization and Urbanization
During this time period, America was growing rapidly. With all the immigration came a large work force for factories and the industry and more countryland was disappearing to make room for the cities that followed the railroad. -
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The Guilded Age- The Creation of a Modern Economy
The Guilded Age was an era where America was becoming more industiralized and modern. Gold and minerals were being harvested from the ground and put into use and valued pricelessly. The signifigance is that with wealth, corruption followed. -
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Andrew Carnigie- King of Steel
The signifigance of Andrew Carnigie is that he became 'the world's richest man' from putting out a large production of steel when it first became popular, profiting off the Great Depression, and also selling his steel empire to J.P. Morgan. -
Civil Service Reform- Pendleton Act
The Civil Service Reform is where people were hired for the government based on 'merit' and their capablity to preform their job and not on their support for the government leader. -
Haymarket Riot- Setbacks in America's workforce
The signifigance of this event is that this was a protest for better working conditions and rights in factories. A bomb wa thrown at police and eight people died during this event. The violence didn't do anyhting but create a setback for Rising America and its worksforce. -
The Dawes Act- Assimilation of the Native Americans
In 1887, 'The Dawes Act' allowed Indian territory to be split up and for Native Americans to assimilate into 'white culture'. The aignifigance is that over a million acres of Native American land was taken and the culutre to be forcefully forgotten in order to carry on. -
Jane Addams- Hull House
The opening of Hull House was an important event because many immigrant didn't have a place to stay or have childcare services available for thier children. -
Political Machines- Political Change in America
Political Machines were established to counteract the disfunction in the political community. These organizations gave out jobs to people in return for a vote. -
Ida B. Wells- Civil Rights Activist
Ida B. Wells was a female activist that traveled America to speak out against lynching and abuse against freed African Americans. She was a journalist first and became an activist, in which she participated int the Civil Rights Movement. Ida B. Wells raised awareness about problems that were being 'swept under the rug' by racists Americans. -
William Jennings Bryan- Democractic Force
William Jennings Bryan had a huge signifigance to the Democractic Party of 1890's and made promises to cut down the Monoplies in America created by Carniege and other wealthy nobles. -
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Klondike Gold Rush- Yukon Gold Rush
Several herds of people of all trades dropped everything to mine for gold in the Yukon. However, not everyone became rich. This was the signifigance of the gold rush: The American Dream. -
Nativism is the discouraging of immigration, especially during the 1900-30s were there was an increase in immigration. -
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Theodore Roosevelt- His Unexpected Presidency
Theodore Roosevelt did many things to reshape America. He put an end to the monoplies that took over during the Industrial Age, increased Foreign Policy by "speaking softly and carrying a big stick" and remained a political force during and after his presidency. -
A Muckraker's signifigance is to expose the corruption that is trying to be covered up or hidden from the public eye. Journalism today is much like this. -
Initiative, Referendum, Recall
The three powers reserved to enable the voters. This event signifigant because without these pwer the American people wouldn't be able to vote. -
Pure Food and Drug Act
This act forbade the reproduction of poisonous medication and that food be inspected and unaltered in a manner that was unsanitary or harmful to the human body. The signifigance would be that even though America has unhealthy food, the food we actually need to be healthy is correctly treated and handled and medication is safe to use and not deathly harmful. -
Upton Sinclair Jr.- The Jungle
Upton Sinclair gain most popularity from his novel 'The Jugle', this was not his only classic. He wrote over a hundred books and was best known for being an influence during the early twentieth century. -
Dollar Diplomacy- Taft's Foreign Policy
President Taft enacted 'Dollar Diplomacy' to sooth the economic distress in foreign countries while funding a railroad project from Huguang to Canton. This had no effect or little at all and was a failure at most. -
Eugene Debs- Outspoken Leader of the Socialist Party
Eugene Debs in a simple way, supported and represented the 'little guy' or the American people. He stod against President Wilson and his desicion to take America into war, rallied for the labor movement, and had also faced jailtime for his reasonings. -
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16th, 17th, 18th, 19th Amendments
These amendments were created to tax income, to allow direct election of leaders (instead of the state legislator), ban alchohol*, and to give women the right to vote. The most common signifigance these amendments have to eachother is the time period they were established. -
Federal Reserve Act
Federal Reserve Act's signifigance is that it was created to bring economic stablity through establishment of Centeral Banks. -
Social Gospel
Social Gospel's signifigance is that during the early 20th century the Protestant Christian movement became more notiecable during this time. -
Tea Pot Dome Scandal
The Tea Pot Dome Scandal was a bribery that happened under President Warren G. Harding. Secretary Fall had become suspiciously wealthy really quickly, which was brought to the attention of Congress. The signifigance of this event is that this was the first testing of Congress' investigative powers and the case that landed a person of Congress in jail for the first time in US History. -
Clarence Darrow- The Leopold and Loeb Case
Clarence Darrow defended his clients, the young killers, and persuaded the court to draw away from the death penalty in order to grant them life. Leopold died in prision and years later Leopold was released and moved to Puerto Rico until his death. -
Third Parties Politics
Third Parties Politics' signifigance is that there can be more than one party active in the American Government, besides D and R. Eve today there are over 20+ Political Parties in the US.