Us flag florida bridge

The Birth of Modern America

  • indian removal policy

    indian removal policy
    an act to remove native americans and relocate them west of the Mississippi river in exchange for their homelands
  • Manifest destiny

    Manifest destiny
    The belief of american settlers that they’re destined to expand and conquer. ie the homestead act where they gave the native americans land to the american settlers
  • Homestead act

    Homestead act
    The homestead act gave American settlers 150 acres of land and if they improved i within 5 years they would own it afterwards.
  • urbanization and industrialization

    urbanization and industrialization
    People moved from rural to urban areas in order to get factory work. the US started to move towards factory production as their main source of work.
  • Political machines

    Political machines
    Political parties that corrupt the government, an example would be Tammany hall and Boss Tweed who pocketed %65 of the fundings for buildings in new york, his downfall was during the orange riot
  • Period: to

    the gilded age

    an era of rapid economic growth and industrialisation. it was a built up to look good looking in but on the inside the gilded age was horrible for rights. ie there were railroad workers on strike throughout the united states
  • Civil service reform

    Civil service reform
    movements for the improvement of civil services. The national civil service reform league would investigate the efficiency of civil services
  • Nativism

    After the assimilation and almost annialation of the native american culture, Nativism helped protect their interest.
  • populism

    The interest and conceptions of the general people. ie the interstate commerce act to regulate railroads and prevent discrimination
  • Dawes act

    Dawes act
    an act to give native americans land on alotted reservations
  • Jane Addams

    Jane Addams
    women's rights and anti-war activist that opened up a house to serve immigrants and poor people
  • Andrew Carnegie

    Andrew Carnegie
    a philanthropist that made the steel industry boom, an advocate to progressing economically and socially
  • Eugene V. Debs

    Eugene V. Debs
    labor organizer and socialist leader, he organized the american railway union and held a strike against the pullman company of chicago.
  • Klondike gold rush

    Klondike gold rush
    a migration of about 100,000 prospectors to the Klondike region of Canada in search for gold.
  • third party politics

    third party politics
    a third party is anyone not in the 2 major political parties republicans and democrats. ie populist are a third party, until the democrats adopted much of the populist agenda
  • Haymarket riot

    Haymarket riot
    A bombong during a labor demonstration
  • Teddy roosevelt

    Teddy roosevelt
    26th president of the united states and addressed several progressive issues. ie; wildlife & natural resource conservation, pure food and drug act
  • Upton Sinclair

    Upton Sinclair
    Upton sinclair published a book over the conditions of the food/ drugs and working conditions in factories to make the mistreatment more widely known
  • Muckraker

    Journalist who searched for alleged corruption and scandals. ie Upton Sinclair exposed working conditions in his book “The Jungle”
  • Pure food and drug act

    Pure food and drug act
    An act to put sanitary and safety regulations on goods/services and to keep them from lying about what their product could do or what's in it.
  • Initiative, referendum, recall

    Initiative, referendum, recall
    gave the people the right to vote for the laws they want, the representatives they want, and to recall any corrupt elected official. ie Muller V. Oregon, which justified both sex discrimination and the usage of labor laws
  • dollar diplomacy

    dollar diplomacy
    a policy aimed at furthering the interest of the US abroad by encouraging the investment of US capital in foreign countries. the most known is Taft dollar diplomacy enacted by president taft and aimed at latin america and east asia
  • Ida B. Wells

    Ida B. Wells
    an african american civil rights activist, she’s considered one of the founding members of the NAACP national association for the advancement of colored people
  • 17th amendment

    17th amendment
    voters can cast direct votes for US senators. Prior to this amendment legislators appointed senators.
  • 16th amendment

    16th amendment
    congress can collect taxes on income
  • Federal reserve act

    Federal reserve act
    the federal reserve act set up the federal reserve, the central banking system of the US
  • immigration and the american dream

    immigration and the american dream
    Immigrants would come to the united states for the dream of “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” only to find they would be treated poorly and unequal, congress required you to pass a literacy test for citizenship designed to be difficult to even americans
  • 18th amendment

    18th amendment
    The prohibition of alcohol, led to the rise of organized crime.
  • progressivism

    The idea of progressing, like technology, science, and economic development. ie they fought for the 18th amendment to prohibit alcohol
  • Susan B. Anthony

    Susan B. Anthony
    womens rights activist and her work paved the road to the 19th amendment which allowed women to vote
  • 19th amendment

    19th amendment
    Ended womens suffrage. Now women can vote
  • suffrage

    is the right to vote in political elections. ie the 19th amendment when they ended womens suffrage
  • Teapot dome scandle

    Teapot dome scandle
    Albert B. Fall leased navy petroleum reserves in teapot dome in wyoming and california to private oil companies at low rates and accepted a bribe for it.
  • Social gospel

    Social gospel
    The attempt to apply biblical teachings to problems associated with industrialisation. an amendment to end child labor was passed.
  • William Jennings Bryan

    William Jennings Bryan
    Bryan represented the creationist in the court case “State of Tennessee V. Scopes” arguing that the bible should be taught in school
  • Clarrence Darrow

    Clarrence Darrow
    an american lawyer and and one of the leading members of the american civil liberties union and represented John T. scopes in the court case “State of Tennessee V. scopes” but scopes lost, but increased the discourse on faith versus science