The Big Question- Newman

  • My Birth

  • First Facebook/Social Media Profile

    First Facebook/Social Media Profile
    This was my first dive into the world of social media, and it was a big step. It was a different use from school work.
  • First Touch Screen Phone

    First Touch Screen Phone
    This was an android phone that was a combination between my phone at the time and my iPod touch. It helped me feel connected to my friends.
  • My First Personal Laptop

    My First Personal Laptop
    I got a laptop for my high school graduation, and it was one of the first big, brand-new pieces of technology I ever got as a teen. I took it to college and learned many tricks that help me in my current work.
  • First Keurig

    First Keurig
    This is important because it allowed me to make coffee in my dorm room and was quick. It was a big technological step up from a drip coffee maker with the buttons and touch screen. I also had to learn how to beat the computer program to allow the machine to use other coffee pods that weren't Keurig.
  • COVID Shutdown

    COVID Shutdown
    The COVID shutdown brought many technological events from classes moving online and social events happening through zoom. This period helped strengthen my relationship with my computer and taught me many tips and tricks to use during my daily life.
  • Today

    Today, I have a work laptop, a Microsoft Surface, a gaming computer, an iPhone, an iPad, a projector, and more, all for my use and most for my entertainment. That is a ton of technology compared to my home growing up.