The Best of Me In The Future

  • Me in 5 Years

    In 5 Years from now (2023) hopefully I will be finishing my second year of university sure of what I want to do in the future. Although I have noted my preference for the U of T, the place I will really go depends on various things such as the specialization of a specific course at a specific place, the traveling time and or fees, or even some personal commitments that I have.
  • Me in 10 Years

    In 10 Years from now (2028) I will be finished my Master’s Degree in a course that is most likely to be Computer Science. Presumably at the same university where I got my Bachelor’s Degree if it is appropriate. By this time I believe that my university loans and tuition should be paid off, but it is quite possible it wouldn't be as I am just finished the Master’s Program. I want to apply for a job whilst in high school to help pay off loans. Masters Degree is good for applying to jobs.
  • Me in 15 Years

    In 15 Years (2033) I will be 30 years old. I think it's safe to say that hopefully, I will be a member of a company that implements Computer Engineering in some way, there's also a possibility I will be with a family of my own in a house of my own. The possibilities are endless! Saying that I also could be doing my Ph.D. Yes, the Ph.D. offers a wide degree of career choices but it's important to think about the commitment needed, and considering the multiple fees, should I do it?
  • Me In 20 Years

    20 years from now, I can't even imagine myself as a 35-year-old. I think at this point it is appropriate to be apart of my own family now, and am still in the workforce going to the job I love and like to do every day. Hopefully at this point I will be experienced and talented at my job that I could even be a valid candidate for a promotion. This being said, there are several unpredictable variables in predicting the future. I am excited and worried at the same time