The Best Of Me In The Future

  • End Of Grade 9

    It's the last day of classes and exams are during the next two weeks. I'm sitting at my computer and I wonder...where will I be in 5 years? 10? 20?
  • First Day Of Grade 10

    It is the first school day of grade 10, My electives for this year are Media Arts, Communications, French, and Healthy Active Living. I will mainly need Communications (video creation and editing) for my career path, but Media Arts will help me utilize art to my advantage and since I live in Canada French will help me get a job.
  • End Of Grade 10 Year

    I have completed my volunteer hours by now, and have passed my Grade 10 Literacy Test.
  • First Day Of Grade 11

    For grade 11 I will be continuing Media Arts, Science, French, Communications, and will be starting Animatinon and maybe doing the school musical. The musical is more for the experience of perfoming in a school performance, but Animation will help be a great tool in the video creation process.
  • End Of Grade 11 Year

  • First Day Of Grade 12

    For Grade 12 I will be taking Math, Science, Media Arts, French, Communications, Animation, and Science. I believe it is important to continue Math and Science for everyday use. All the other electives are to continue my career.
  • Grade 12 Graduation!

    I've graduated from highschool! My marks and work ethic trends seem to prove that I can in fact graduate, hopefully with flying colours.
  • My First Apartment

  • Beginning Of First Year Of University

  • End Of First Year Of University

    It is the end of my first year of university (or college, but prefereably university).
  • Five Years From Now

  • Bachelor's Degree Achieved!

    I have achieved my bachelors in film and media, but I will continue to attend university for my masters.
  • Master's Degree Achieved!

    I can now start my film production studio, but I may have to work and keep my saved money to buy office space.
  • I Open The Offices To My Own Production Studio

  • Ten Years From Now

    I am running an indie film production studio. We may be popular online, or popular in the real world, but we are growing as a success.
  • My First Feature Film Has Been Released

    Although it may not be a box office hit (or in box offices, for that matter) I have made my first official creation as a part of my current production.
  • My First Home

    I have by now bought my own house.
  • Fifteen Years From Now

    From the 10 year span to the 15 year span I may have been married, started a family, and moved into a larger house. Or I may have become much more successful on my own without my own family, This I cannot predict, and I will have to wait for time to tell.
  • Success!

    I am living the dream! I have my own filming productions and I create the film content that I want to.
  • Twenty Years From Now

    I may be married and have my own family, but I will be able to support them because I planned my career out and made a large enough income.