The Best and Worst Times of My Life

  • Birth

  • Period: to

    My Life

  • Aunt Jen's Wedding

    Flower Girl
  • My Parents Got Married

    My parents got married two years after I was born.
  • Baby Brother, Zach

    My first baby brother, Zacharee James Abben, was born.
  • 9/11

    Two planes crashed into the twin towers.
    Pictures= EricJ. Tilford
  • Aunt Jamie's Wedding

    I got to be a flower girl.
  • Baby Brother, Averee

    My second baby brother, Averee John Abben, was born.
  • Flood

    Everyone in the Cedar Valley area lost a lot of stuff that was important to them. Picture= Matt Herzberger
  • Aunt Melanie's Wedding

    Aunt Melanie's Wedding
    I was her personal attendant.
  • Haiti Earthquake

    Haiti Earthquake
    it devastated millions of people.
  • Earthquake and Tsnami Hit Japan

    It killed lotsa peoples. Picture= Marco Domino
  • Osama Bin Laden Died

    The Al-Quieda lader was hunted down by navyseals and shot Picture by Seth Anderson