End of World War II
Germany was split in half with the western side was controlled by former Allied forces of the United States, Britain and France whilst the eastern side was controlled by the Soviet Union. This occurred in Berlin as well. -
Federal Republic of Germany is founded (West Germany)
The three allied sectors (U.S, France and Britain) of Germany are united and form a new country known as West Germany -
German Democratic Republic is founded (East Germany)
Border closes between East and West Germany and between East Germany and West Berlin
Leaving East Germany without permission becomes a crime
The border between East and West Berlin closes
Brandenburg Gate is closed
Berlin Wall construction is finished
On this day, U.S President J. F. Kennedy visits Berlin and says: "Ich bin ein Berliner." ("I am a Berliner.") -
Four Powers Agreement is signed
This agreement between the U.S, Britain, France and the Soviet Union make it easier to travel to and from Berlin -
Ronald Reagan visits the Brandenburg Gate
The President demands the Soviet leader - Mr. Gorbachev to "... tear down this Wall!” -
Hungarian government opens border for East German refugees
Protest in East Germany
Signifies major event prior to the Fall of the Berlin Wall -
Protest in Alexanderplatz
Half a million people gathered in the heart of East Berlin. This event was a turning point in East Germany's demise -
Period: to
GDR government and SED-Politbüro members resign
The Fall of the Berlin Wall
The East German government mistakenly reinstates the freedom to travel. This led to many East Berliners crowding the border wanting to cross into West Berlin. -
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Romanian Revolution
- The Communist Government of Romania collapses -
Lithuania declares Independence from Soviet Union
Latvia declares Independence from Soviet Union
Germany is reunited
Estonia declares Independence
Dissolution of the Soviet Union