Gennete's timeline

By Gennete
  • 7.3 Major Life Event

    Major life event was when my father got locked up when i was 17 and he’s still in jail to this day. I coped with this major event by self-identity and I tell myself i am still his daughter, we can always see eachother when i go see him, it was healthy acceptance as well including positive emotion from everyone in the family by bringing up what my father did positively
  • 4.1 Young Adult Role Transition

    I was even more confused with my sexual identify especially when my mother disowned me. I already accepted that I am a woman after the fact that I am feminine, girly behavior and characteristics. It is just that I am more sexually attracted to same sex. I was battling with my mental, spirit and physically throughout due to my sexual orientation. Before I was kicked out, I kept my sexual orientation to myself and acts accordingly to my mother’s culture included sticking with gender stereotype.
  • 1.1 The Beginning

    At 17, I became a young adult. I was kicked out by my mother, but it leads me to move in with my big brother. That was when I had to pay a portion of my brother’s rent, find ways to eat, started cooking, shops on my own, using metro all by myself. That moment was when I knew I am on the way to becoming an adult. As chronological age goes on, with sufficient and growing responsibilities on my back. Usually I made decisions influenced by my mother, but not anymore.
  • 3.1 Working Memory

    I actually dropped out of high school and turned to marijuana 24/7. I was totally into different world and learning more about informal information leading me to not care about anything else within academic and social- community focused. When I came back to high school to get my high school diploma, my memory abilities wasn’t the same! During one year out of school and home environment, I noticed that I relaxed too much I didn’t put in effort such as long term in my memory.
  • 7.1 Fowler

    All i could think of is happiness and living in present moment. I think Individuative-reflective faith stage fits me the most because I did not feel connected to my family’s religion or culture and could see myself screaming to get out of this culture and jump into modern, LGBTQA friendly and happiness. Today, I am always finding myself being open to new complexity of faith on daily basis and it actually increased my awareness what’s universe is actually all about. Life is also universe core.
  • prolong life

    I have until 20 years old to choose to be satisfied with how I look, so supposedly I am satisfied by the time I turned 20 years old. To prevent this aging problem, I would drink the fountain of youth to become eternal youth so oxidant damage theory and genetic limits will not happen. I will still look young by the times I turn 65. But I could face the oxidant stress and genetic limits if I stop drinking the fountain of youth so I must be committed drink the gallon of it once in every year.
  • Childhood Attachment Experiences

    From birth until 13 years old, I had secure attachment style due to my paternal grandmother and stepmother, but no communication access. By the time I was 13, I moved in with my biological mother and of course this has huge impact on my attachment due to her dismissing attachment style and Authoritarian style and also can communicate with me in ASL.
  • 6.1 My RIASEC type

    Apparently, I have higher score on SEA; social, entrepreneurial and artistic compares to my low score with realistic. These scores makes senses because my traits are usually imagination, intuitive, understanding, high level of ambition. And yes I do think my traits corresponds to SEA. The jobs that fits my type; child, school and family social worker, entrepreneurship, tour guide, and teacher. This is not consistent with the jobs i am interested in pursuing; psychology - oriented jobs.
  • 7.2 Transitions

    I have had in the past was life-change event; unexpected pregnancy. Finding out i was pregnant while in college was one of the most stressful experiences i had, but when I had him, it was best positive experience. That experiences have the effect that the textbook suggested and resulted in expected transition is not accurate because the level of stress reduce as i had my baby, but when the baby grows into terrible 2, that stress level went back up. Haha! 10/05/18 to now.
  • 4.2- Older Adult Role Transition

    I didn’t expect to change from when I was 17 to now as 28 years old I am a mother, in relationship with another woman, living together. The challenging part was being seen in public with another woman, bringing my partner at my mother’s home during holidays, but today, my mother accepts her as well as my father. This is more of a blessing in disguise and I coped with the transition by thinking positive about the situation and hanging around with LGBTQA often.
  • 4.3 Adult Attachment Style

    i have two kind of attachments; secure and dismissing. Secure- I can see myself being able to connect with others emotionally occasionally and I like to depends on others as much as i am comfortable with others depending on me. But at the same time I do have dismissing attachment style. This has given me insights on my previous and current relationships. Now, i feel more secure but whenever I am mad, I shifts to dismissing attachment.
  • Super’s Stages

    Imagine that I selected entrepreneurship as my career. One of super stages I chose; establishment. The age that I am more likely be in establishment stage might be 33 and that stage might look upward and potential. By the time I am 33, I would already have BA and MS from Gallaudet University and with these degrees, I am likely to secure a job that I know i would be happy in for the next 10 years.
  • Generativity and Conscientious stages from two interview videos

    An example presented in regards to generalivity was presented; Dorm Supervisor interview and it shown that the supervisor was sorta like mentor for the residents-students, prepare them for the life after high school. I pick Conscientious from Jane Nickerson interview for conscientious stage; Conscientiousness is a personality trait characterized by organization, purposeful action, self-discipline, and drive to achieve and Jan Nickerson has shown that from her timeline aging process interview.
  • 8.1 The End

    Our community sadly lost a notable Gallaudet alumni pillar on Wednesday, October 9, 2050, Dr. Gennete Liriano. She passed away from natural causes. She was well known in Deaf Dominican community as one of founders of one of largest deaf Dominican charity organization, co-owner of Dominican real estate acquisition and development company and philanthropist included helping thousands of deaf residents find homes. She left behind her partner of 35 years, her son, Argenys and grandkids.