Fort Sumter South carolina April 12- April 14 P.G.T. Beauregard They won The Battle of Fort Sumter was the first battle of the American Civil War

  • Shiloh southwestern Tennessee. April 6 Don Carlos Buell They won was the bloodiest Civil War battle in Civil War

  • antietam Maryland September 17, 1862 Robert E. Lee They lost Battle of Antietam, making it the bloodiest day in American history

  • ft. Donelson Fort Donelson, Tennessee March 3–April 8 ULysses S. Grant They surrendered Kentucky border opened the Cumberland River, an important avenue for the invasion of the South.

  • Vicksburg Vicksburg May 18, 1863- July 4, 1863 John C. Pemberton They surrendered This was the culmination of one of the most brilliant military campaigns of the war

  • 1st battle of bull run Virginia July 21, 1861 Brig. Gen. Irvin McDowell They won It was the first major battle of the Civil War and resulted in a Confederate victory

  • New orleans New orleans January 18, 1815 Edward Pakenham They won The Battle of New Orleans was the last major battle of the War of 1812

  • Ft. Henry Fort Henry, Tennessee February 11–16 ULysses S. Grant They won It was the first important victory for the Union and Brig. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant in the Western Theater.

  • Murfreesboro Tennessee December 31 1862- january 2 1863 Braxton Bragg They lost The First Battle of Murfreesboro was fought on July 13, 1862, in Rutherford County,

  • Chattanooga Tennessee June 7 -june 8 1862 Ulysses S. Grant They won The Battle Of Chattanooga, Tennessee, was an important Union victory in the The Civil War

  • 2nd battle of bull run Virginia August 28- august 20 1862 John Pope They won The Battle of Second Bull Run was fought over several days