Vicksburg print

The Battle of Vicksburg

By 1137872
  • The Vicksburg Campaign Begins

    The Vicksburg Campaign Begins
    A series of battles in the Western Theater of the American Civil War directed against Vicksburg, Mississippi.
  • Sherman Attacks Chickasaw Bluff

    Sherman Attacks Chickasaw Bluff
    Is repelled
  • Routes to Vicksburg

    Routes to Vicksburg
    Federal engineers blow a passage through the levee that separates the Mississippi from the Coldwater River, opening a possible route south towards Vicksburg.
  • Route Through Lake Providence

    Route Through Lake Providence
    Grant orders General James B. McPherson to begin work on opening a passage through to the Red River via the Lake Providence route.
  • Troops

    Transports carrying 4,500 Federal troops enter the Coldwater River via a breached levee.
  • First Assualt

    First Assualt
    Major General Grant (Union) moves in on Confederates holed up in the city. Hoping for a quick victory over the confederates, Grant ordered General Sherman’s corps to attack along the Graveyard Road northeast of town. Pemberton, anengineer, had developed a series of strong works around Vicksburg, and the Union Army was repulsed by the defenders of Stockade Redan, suffering 1,000 casualties.
  • Second Assualt

    Second Assualt
    Three coordinated assaults were made: Sherman along the Graveyard Road, Maj. Gen. James McPherson hitting the center from the Jackson Road, and Maj. Gen. John McClernand attacking from the south along the lines of the Baldwin Ferry Road and the Southern Railroad of Mississippi. Although McClernand’s men briefly penetrated what was called the Railroad Redoubt, all three columns were repulsed, with a total loss of over 3,000 men.
  • Kimball Arrives

    Kimball Arrives
    Kimball's Provisional Division arrives
  • Battle of Milliken's Bend

    Battle of Milliken's Bend
    Confederates under Richard Taylor attack Grant's base on the west bank of the Mississippi, are repulsed.
  • F.J. Herron

    F.J. Herron
    Union Major Gneral F.J. Herron's division arrives from Arkansas.
  • Mine

    A mine exploded under 3rd Louisiana Redan, active combat rages for 26 hours before Federals withdraw.
  • Period: to


    A mine exploded under 3rd Louisiana Redan, active combat rages for 26 hours before Federals withdraw.
  • Anonymous Soldier

    Anonymous soldiers warn Pemberton the garrison is close to mutiny over rations.
  • Another mine

    Another mine exploded under 3rd Louisiana Redan, but no follow-up attack is made.
    Confederate Gneral Pemberton asks his division commanders for their views of the situation.
  • Capt. Comstock

    Capt. Comstock
    Capt. Comstock issues guidelines for proposed July 6 assault.
  • Flag of truce

    A flag of truce appears between the lines, and discussions begin between Grant and Pemberton as to the surrender of the city and its garrison.
  • Victory for the Union

    Pemberton surrenders Vicksburg and its garrison.