Baby at week 2
At this stage in development the baby is called a zygote. The Zygote is as little as a pea.The Zygote doesnt have all his\her bones developed. -
Period: to
Fetal development
This timeline will show you how a baby is born and the development of a child. -
Baby Development week 5
At this point in fetal development the baby is called an embryo from week 3-12.This is still at the point of risk this stage is completely dangerous. The embryo still doesnt have his\her bones completely srtuctured. -
Baby development week 10
This point is still an emybro. The mom has to be very percaustious around this embryo.The embryo is starting to form his\her bones. -
Baby development week 12
This is the last week that the term embryo is used for the child.At this point the embryo bones are forming. As you can see in the image the embryo is smushed into a sac called the amontic sac. -
Baby developoent week 15
At this time in the pregnacy the emybro is now referred too as a fetus. Now instread of baby develoment we can call this fetus development. The fetus is connected to an umbillical cord that keeps the fetus in place. -
Fetus development week 20
At this point in the baby development the gender is determined.The male always determines the gender.The babies bones are mostly formed.The babies head isnt totally formed so still kep percautions. -
Fetus development week 25
At this point we deffinetley know the gender. The fetus is eating through the umbillical cord.The moms stomach is growing bigger and bigger and she will start to feel the kicking and maybe the heartbeat. -
Fetus development wek 30
As you can see the fetus is very squished.His\Her bones are fully formed and you cant see it but fetus is getting some hair on the eyebrow and the head.The fetus is hanging in the amnotic sac which is keeping the fetus in the stomch and so the fetus doesnt damge the moms oragans. -
Fetus development week 35
The fetus is facing upside down so when the fetus comes out the vagina it doesnt get suffocates from the shoulders not being able to be pushed out.The fetus can come out any time everything is pretty much fromed and the fetus will soon be called a newborn baby. -
Baby development week 40
The baby is about to be born this is the last week.