The Atom

  • 460 BCE


    He lived in Abdera,Greece
  • 445 BCE


    Leucippus of Abdera, the philosopher, conceives of the atomic universe. His pupil is Democritus.
  • Antoine Lavoisier

     Antoine Lavoisier
    Antoine Lavoisier lived in Paris,France
  • Antoine Lavoisier

    He became the first person to experiment with the atom
  • John Dalton

    John Dalton
    John Dalton was born September 6, 1766 in the United Kingdom.
  • Law of Conservation of Mass

    Law of Conservation of Mass
    The Law of Conservation of Mass was founded by Antoine Laurent Lavoisier. It states that in a chemical reaction, matter is neither created nor destroyed
  • Law of multiple proportions

    Law of multiple proportions
    Dalton developed the law of multiple proportions. It states "'When two elements combine with each other to form two or more compounds, the ratios of the masses of one element that combines with the fixed mass of the other are simple whole numbers'.
  • J.J. Thomson was born.

    J.J. Thomson was born.
    j.J. Thomson was born December 18,1856 in Cheetham, Manchester.
  • Max Planck was born

    Max Planck was born
    Max Planck was born April 23, 1858
  • Robert Andrews Millikan was born

     Robert Andrews Millikan was born
    Robert Andrews Millikan was born on the 22nd of March, 1868, in Morrison, Illinois.
  • Ernest Rutherford was born

     Ernest Rutherford was born
    Ernest Rutherford was born August 30, 1871 in Nelson, New Zealand
  • Marie Curie was born

    Marie Curie was born
    Marie Curie was born November 7, 1867.
  • Albert Einstein was born

    Albert Einstein was born
    Albert Einstein was born March 14,1879 in Ulm , Germany.
  • Erwin Schrodinger was born

    Erwin Schrodinger was born
    Erwin Schrodinger was born August 12, 1887 in Vienna
  • Louis De Broglie was born

    Louis De Broglie was born
    Louis De Broglie was born August 15,1892 in Dieppe, France.
  • J.J. Thomson discovering electrons

    J.J. Thomson discovering electrons
    j.j. discovered the electrons ( particles which are smaller than atoms and which have a negative charge )
  • Marie Curie Contribution

    Marie Curie Contribution
    Curie discovered polonium and radium. She deduced that radioactivity does not depend on how atoms are arranged into molecules, but rather that it originates within the atoms themselves
  • Max Planck Contribution

     Max Planck Contribution
    Max Planck discovered the quantum theory . he assumed that energy was made of individual units or quanta
  • werner Heisenberg was born

    werner Heisenberg was born
    Werner Heisenberg was born December 5, 1901
  • Thomas discovering a method for separating

    Thomas discovering a method for separating
    Thomson discovered a method for separating different kinds of atoms and molecules by the use of positive rays
  • Robert MIllikan Contribution

    Robert MIllikan Contribution
    Robert Millikan determined the unit charge of the electron in 1909 with his oil drop experiment at the University of Chicago.
  • Rutherford Contribution

    Rutherford Contribution
    Rutherford concluded that the atom was mostly made up empty space except for a dense central region which became known as a nucleus.
  • Albert Einstein Contribution

     Albert Einstein Contribution
    Theory of Relativity was created. it explains the general case of any sort of motion. Einstein's theory was based on two key principles: The principle of relativity: The laws of physics don't change, even for objects moving in inertial (constant speed) frames of reference.
  • Einstein wins Nobel Prize

    Einstein wins Nobel Prize
    Albert Einstein wins Nobel PRize in Physics in 1921
  • Millikan won a Nobel Prize

     Millikan won a Nobel Prize
    Robert Millikan won a Nobel Prize for Physics in 1923
  • Broglie contribution

    Louis De Broglie discovered the wave nature of electrons and suggested that all matter have wave properties
  • Heisenberg contributions

    he formulated a type of quantum mechanics based on matrix
  • Schrodinger contribution

    Schrodinger contribution
    Erwin Schrodinger developed an “Electron Cloud Model” in 1926.
  • Heisenberg Contribution

    Heisenberg Contribution
    He proposed the " uncertainty relation " setting limits for how precisely the position and velocity of a particle can be simultaneously determined.
  • Louis De Broglie wins Nobel Prize

    Louis De Broglie wins Nobel Prize
    Louis De Broglie wins the the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1929
  • Chadwick Contribution

    Chadwick Contribution
    Chadwick discovered the neutron in atom
  • Schrodinger wins Nobel Prize

    Schrodinger wins Nobel Prize
    For this work he shared with Dirac the Nobel Prize for 1933.