Arrival at Dallas Love Field Friday, November 22, 1963, 11:37 a.m.
As the President exited from Air Force One to be greeted by a group of cheering, screaming supporters, approximately 2,000 strong, gathered behind the fence line. -
Presidential Motorcade Leaves Love Field 11:52am, Nov 22, 1963
The motorcade leaves Love Field Airport, headed for the luncheon at the Dallas Trade market. -
The Race to Parkland Hospital 12:31pm, Nov 22, 1963
The presidential limousine raced up the Stemmons freeway to the Parkland Memorial Hospital. -
The President is Shot 12:30pm, Nov 22, 1963
President Kennedy and Governor Connally are shot in Dallas, Dealey Plaza -
The First Announcement 12:34pm, Nov 22, 1963
The first news service announces that the president has been shot! -
The arrival at Parkland Hospital 12:36pm, Nov 22, 1963
The presidential limousine arrives at the Parkland memorial hospital and the president is immediately rushed inside. -
Breaking the News 12:40pm, Nov 22, 1963
The CBS network interrupts national T.V as host Walter Cronkite announces to America that their president for the last 4 years has been shot. -
Police Broadcast 12:45pm, Nov 22, 1963
The police broadcast the first description of the subject, which is then found to be Lee Harvey Oswald. -
The announcement of the president's death 1:00pm, Nov 22, 1963
The doctors at Parkland Hospital announce that J.F.K the current President of the United States has been assassinated. -
Motorcade Passes the Adolphus hotel 12:27pm, Nov 22, 1963
At around 12:27 on November the 22, 1963 over 150,000 people lined the streets to get a glimpse of president kennedy as he passed the Adolphus hotel.