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The Transformation of Warfare: Tactics, Tech, Battles
Coehorn Mortar Continued
. The answer came from a young, intelligent Netherland Captain during first part of the Anglo-Dutch Wars. Seeing the issues first hand as having been a foot soldier in many sieges Menno, Baron van Coehoorn designed a compact mortar that he used successfully in the Siege of Grave in 1674. This picture posted is a later model of the Coehorn Mortar that the Union army utilized though the Civil War. -
Invention of the Coehorn Mortar
One of the most difficult missions in a commands campaign is the besieging of a city or fort. The defender obtains the advantage and is the one who deals out massive causalities on the intruder. Early cannons effectively destroyed structures but were as deadly to the operators as to the enemy. Furthermore these bombard cannons were heavy, cumbersome and had a slow rate of fire. What was needed was an artillery piece that could be easily moved, had a faster reload time and didn’t kill the operato -
Battle of Bunker/Breeds Hill
The reason why the Battle of Bunker/Breeds Hill is so significant is seen through the prophesized quote of Sun Tzu. "There are roads which must not be follow, armies must not be attacked, towns which must not be besieged, positions which must not be contested, commands of the sovereign which must not be obeyed. The British Command failed to see the capabilities the American Militia held on Breeds and Bunker Hill. Even though the British soldiers overwhelmed the two positions, it came at a cost. -
Breeds/Bunker Hill Continued
postions, it was because the American had run out of ammunition. Lewis, B. (2009). The Historical Atlas of the World at War. London: Chartwell Books Inc. -
The Formation of the United States Marine Corps
One of the most influential fighting organizations in the world has been the United States Marine Corp. Embodied through heroism and bravery in countless conflicts. World War Two, Korean War, Vietnam War, Desert Storm are just a few conflicts the Marines have been involved in. But where did they come from and when did the Corp come to be? The USMC can trace its roots back to the Revolutionary War. The Continental Marines were founded on November 10th 1775 under Captain Samuel Nicholas. -
Marines Continued
Their mission was to capture the Port of Nassau, Bahamas which had been a strategic location for the English campaigns against Virginia. 250 men including Captain Nicholas assaulted the port and captured it with no loss of life. It could be said that the Battle of Nassau was a rather dull birth for one of the most gun hoe branches in the United States military. Either way, the USMC is vital to America and its protection on the seas. -
Forge Continued
system through small exposure the number of ill dropped. Also with the aid of 300 woman who volunteered thier services, Washingtons army endured the winter. One highlight from encamping Valley Forge was the military training delievered by Prussian Drill Instructor Friedrich Wilhem von Stebuen. This ex Prussian instructor teaches the Continental soldiers tactics in the use of banonets, which proved succesful at the later Battle of Monmouth. -
Encampment of Valley Forge
After the success against the capture British General Burgoyne and 6000 of his troops, General Washington retired his army for the winter in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. What made this occurence in history special was the training and strengthening of Washingtons Army. Which at first was seen as inconcievable by the 12,000 Continential Troops who were lacking shoes and clothes for the upcoming winter. Disease had also krept into the camp that killed 2500. However through building up the amune- -
Battle of Yorktown
The result from the Battle of Yorktown marked the end of one era and the start of a new one. By 1781 the British hopes of victory in the America had be decimated. In 1778 the French had come to aid the American cause, capturing two British warships and supply vessels off the Georgian port of Savannah. Spain had also seized the advantage over the British. By taking key British positions in Florida and conquering the Michigan fort of St Joseph in late 1780 had set the stage for the final battle. -
Yorktown Continued
. The once proud Lt General Cornwallis was forced to retreat and dig in at Yorktown, Virginia. With a co American-French force of 17,300 against the remaining 8,000 British, there was no contest. Plus with a French naval blockade Cornwallis had no other option but to surrender in on the 19th of October. Two years later, the Treaty of Paris recognizes the United States of America as an independent entity.
Lewis, B. (2009). The Historical Atlas of the World at War. London: Chartwell Books Inc. -
Cap Continued
duck could evade the shot. Andrew thus demanded and designed what later would be the percussion cap in 1807 A Copper case filled with a miniscule amount of mercury metal would ignite the shot once the hammer struck it. The cap was first fitted onto modified muskets which had an opening called the “nipple”. The percussion cap later was fixed upon brass encased cartridges which is still used today as ammunition. Lewis, B. (2009). The Historical Atlas of the World at War. London: Chartwell Book -
The Invention of the Percussion Cap
Why are their inventions? What makes an individual pursue development and creation of an invention? It is to fill a purpose or solve a reoccurring problem. This was the case for Reverend Andrew J. Forsyth, a hunter who had problem killing ducks. Andrew’s pistol was using a common flintlock mechanism that was standard for all weapons. To fire the loaded powder and shot, a striking hammer strikes the flint igniting the pan of powder thus firing the weapon. This method however was so slow that the -
The Battle of Waterloo
The mighty Napoleon Bonaparte had created quite a mess in Europe. The “Napoleonic Wars” had spilt blood from Vienna, Austria to the fields of Russia but by 1815 Napoleon had made too many enemies. The English, Prussians, and Dutch had all come together as allies to stop “The God of War”. The allies had believed Napoleon had been defeat after he was captured outside of Paris and exiled in 1814. Yet somehow he escaped in the spring of 1815 and rallied his followers in France. An army of 123,000 - -
Battle of Waterloo Continued 2
battle hardened veterans joined Napoleon which caused England and Prussia to declare war not on France, but on Napoleon. Belgium would be the battle ground where Napoleon would face the English commander Duke of Wellington and the Prussian Marshal Blucher. Napoleon struck first in Ligny, Belgium against the Prussian forces, isolating 80,000 Prussian troops from the allies. Believing that Prussia had been dealt with, the Duke of Wellington was now Napoleons main focus. Wellington took the higher -
Wateroo Continued 3
higher ground at the Valley of Waterloo which would in the end, defeated Napoleons military career. By taking the ridge at Waterloo Wellingtons soldiers withstood Napoleons artillery barrages, heavy cavalry charge and the assault from Napoleons experienced “Old Guard”. The English Colonel Colborne exploited a weak right flank of Napoleons forces and with the regrouped Prussians pressing on the left flank Napoleons army routed and fled, thus ending the “Napoleonic Wars” and defeating an icon. -
The Patent for the Sharps Rifle
It was coming clear to gunsmiths world wide that the traditional musket had reached the zenith of its capabilities. With rifling grooves and adding a percussion lock as a firing mechanism, the musket was more accurate yet still incredibly slow to reload. Only two shots could be fired every minute by an expert soldier. The question was, how could this be sped up? Countries begain experimenting with the "self contained" cartridge which contained the projectile with its propulsion. A swiss- -
Invention of the Sharp Continued.
gunsmith named Jean Samual Pauly was one of many to invent the paper catridge which held the bullet infront of the gunpowder. This could then be used in breech loading rifle, like the Sharp. The breech loading rifle uses a locking mechanism that campers the cartridge through a lever or drop box into the barrel of the gun. A firing hammer then ignites the back of the cartridge when the trigger is pulled. The Sharps rifle increased rate of fire from two every minute to eight every minute. -
Battle of Hampton Road
This date in history was a glimsp into the future of naval warfare. The CSS Virgina and the USS Monitor were two ships fitted with armor plating for combat. The CSS Virgina a.ka CSS Merrimack set out to break the Union blockade of the Confederate at the mouth of the Jamers River. On the 8th of March the Merrimac easily sinks a Union sloop and frigate without any damage of her own. Limited by fuel and supplies she retires at dusk before being able to sink the USS Minnesota. On the 9th the- -
Hampton Road Continued
ships took numerous hits, niether one was critically damaged. Low on fuel, the Merrimac retreated up river failing to break the naval blockade. This event showed the world, the future of modern ship design. Lewis, B. (2009). The Historical Atlas of the World at War. London: Chartwell Books Inc. -
Hampton Road Continued
Merrimac faces a worthy opponent. The USS Monitor is also an iron clad ship which steamed in great haste to defend the wounded Minnesota. The two ships took part in a grueling three hour fire fight before the Merrimac retreats due to supplies. In the end the CSS Merrimac failed to break the blockade. But suceeded in bringing innovation to the battlefield. -
The Invention of the Gatling Gun
It is surprising to me where most inventions come from. Inventions can be born through rigorous trial and error which takes years upon years to develop. Others are stumbled upon; inventions can also come from unorthodox locations. This could be said about the Gatling gun which was created by Dr. Richard Jordan Gatling. Dr. Gatling was a certified doctor but enjoyed inventing. His other inventions included the screw propeller and a rice sower. After the start of The American Civil War he devoted -
Gatling Gun Continued
himself to gun manufacturing. One of his greatest weapons was the Gatling gun, which he had hoped would shrink the size of armies thus shrink the number of killed. The mechanism he developed shares roots with his seed sowing device. The way the weapon worked was through a two man team, one cranked a handle which cycled the barrels and fired the rounds while the other reloaded. The weapon saw little action in the Civil War but was used extensively as supporting fire in the Battle of San Juan Hi -
Gettysburg Continued 2
before retreating. This mistake ends any Confederate hope of succeeding in the rest of the campaign. Lewis, B. (2009). The Historical Atlas of the World at War. London: Chartwell Books Inc. -
Battle of Gettysburg
The Battle of Gettysburg, an event that has been embroiled into the minds of most historians. Why was this battle so important and what made it occur? It starts with the newly formed tactics of the Confederate Army. It being seen as fruitless to attack the Union head on, raiding behind enemy lines became the desired path to take. Its purpose was to deteriorate the North’s interest in war and sue for peace. General Lee was tasked to penetrate deep into Union lines, to cause as much damage and- -
Gettysburg Continued
alarm as possible. His direction led him to the town of Gettysburg where the Union General Meade had moved into due to suspicion of Confederate encroachment. On July 2nd Lee arrived at Gettysburg to find that 88,000 Union soldiers took Seminary Ridge that loomed above his armies’ position. Lee then makes a foolish decision, on July 3rdhe sends his force under the command of Major General Pickett to take the slope. Out of the 12,500 that attack, only 150 make it to the crest of the hill before-