Following the appearance of anti-Semitism in Europe Theodore herz -
Mc Mahon Hussien Correspondence
The McMahon–Hussein Correspondence, or the Hussein–McMahon Correspondence, was an exchange of letters during World War I, between the Sharif of Mecca, Husayn bin Ali, and Sir Henry McMahon, British High Commissioner in Egypt, concerning the political status of lands under the Ottoman Empire -
The Balfour Decleration
The balfour declartion was a letter from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. -
Britsh Mandate for Palestine
The British Mandate for Palestine, shortly Mandate for Palestine, or the Palestine Mandate was a League of Nations mandate for the territory that had formerly constituted the Ottoman Empire sanjaks of Nablus, Acre, the Southern part of the Vilayet of Syria -
Period: to
Britsh Mandate for Palestine
The British Mandate for Palestine, shortly Mandate for Palestine, or the Palestine Mandate was a League of Nations mandate for the territory that had formerly constituted the Ottoman Empire sanjaks of Nablus, Acre, the Southern part of the Vilayet of Syria -
The Holocaust and World War 2
The Holocaust was the state-sponsored, systematic persecution and annihilation of European Jewry by Nazi Germany and its collaborators, between 1933 and 1945. Jews were the primary victims - six million were murdered. Roma (Gypsies), physically and mentally disabled people and Poles were also targeted for destruction or decimation for racial, ethnic, or national reasons. Millions more, including homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Soviet prisoners of war, and political dissidents also suffered gri -
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The Holocaust and World War 2
UN Partition Plan
The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was a proposal developed by the United Nations, which recommended a partition with Economic Union of Mandatory Palestine to follow the termination of the British Mandate. -
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1948 War
the Arab-Israeli War of 1948. The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 broke out when five Arab nations invaded territory in the former Palestinian mandate immediately following the announcement of the independence of the state of Israel on May 14, 1948. -
Establishment of Israel
On May 14, 1948, its members gathered at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art and ratified the proclamation declaring the establishment of the State of Israel. The members of the JNC formed the provisional government of the nascent State of Israel. -
The establishment of PLO
The Palestine Liberation Organization is an organization founded in 1964 with the purpose of the "liberation of Palestine" through armed struggle. -
Six-Day War / 1967 Arab- Israeli
The Six-Day War, also known as the June War, 1967 Arab–Israeli War, or Third Arab–Israeli War, was fought between June 5 and 10, 1967 by Israel and the neighboring states of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. -
Setlement Constructin Begins
Israeli settlements are Jewish Israeli civilian communities built on lands occupied by Israel since the 1967 Six-Day War. -
Period: to
Khartoum Resolution/ Attrition Battles/ The war
Following the 1967 Six-Day War, no serious diplomatic efforts tried to resolve the issues at the heart of the Arab–Israeli conflict. In September 1967, the Arab states formulated the "three nos" policy, barring peace, recognition or negotiations with Israel -
The October War/ Yom Kippur War/1973 Arab-Israeli War
The Yom Kippur War, Ramadan War, or October War also known as the 1973 Arab–Israeli War, was a war fought by the coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria against Israel from October 6 to 25, 1973. -
Camp David Accords
Menachem Begin Of Israel and Anwar al-Sadat of Egypt agreements in Camp David. The American - sponsored talks paved the way to peace treaty signed in 1979 -
Egypt - Israel Peace treaty
A s a result of intense diplomatic efforts by the United Staes, Egypt became the first Arab country to recognize and enter into a peace treaty with Israel. -
1982 Lebanon War
PLO units in southern Lebanon increasingly attacked communities in northern Israel -
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First Intfida
Palestanians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank engaged in an uprising,or intifida against Israel control of these terrorist -
Oslo Accords
The Oslso Accords were a set of agreements that began in 1993 when Israeland the PLO signed a Decleration Of Principless (DOP). -
Israel -Jordan Peace Treaty
As with the 1979 peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, the United States led a difficult but successful diplomatic process to help Jordan and Israel achive peace. -
Camp David Summit
American Presiden Bill Clinton brought Iraeli Prme Minister Ehud Barak and Paletanian President Yasser Arafat to nCamo Dvid in July 2000 -
Period: to
Second Intifida
In September 2000, Israeli opposition leader Ariel Sharon visited the Jewish Temple Mount, a site revered by Jews that is also holy to Muslims. -
Israeli Begins Constructing West Bank Security Barrier
In 2002, Isreal responded to the suicide bombings by constructing a security barrier to protect its citizens from terrorist groups in the west Bank . -
Arb Peace Initiative is Propsed
In March 2002, during Beirut Summit of the Arab League, crown prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia proposed a peaxe initiative thet was endorsed by all members of the Arab League. -
Roadmap For Peace Is Proposed
The roadmap for peace known as the roadmap is a plan for peace that was proposed in 2003 by the quartet : the United States Russia The European Union ant the United Nations. -
Israel Disengages from Gaza
Prime Misister Ariel Sharon ledisrael to unilatery withdraw fro the gaza strip and four Westbank settlements as part OF A larger policy -
Hasmas is elected
In Jnuary 2006, Palestanians elceted a majority of Hamas members to the Palestanians Authority's legeslature over the PLO'sFatah party that had been previously in power. -
2006 Hezbollah-Israel Lebanon War / Second Ledanon War
Hezbollah , a radical Islamist orgainzation committed to destroy Isreal , is based in Lebanon and is believe to be heavily supported by Iran ans Syria . -
Battle of Gaza
Ongoing btween Hamas and the PLO's Fatah party culminated in June 2007 -
Annapolis Conference
On November 27, 2007, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
organized a conference between Israel and the Palestinian
Authority’s Fatah leaders, which was attended by many Arab
countries, including Saudi Arabia and Syria. -
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The gaza Conflict Operation Cast Lead
Between December 27, 2008 and January 18, 2009, Israel targeted.Hamas strongholds in Gaza to stop ongoing rocket attacks on civilian towns in southern Israel and to disrupt the terrorist infrastructure and weapons smuggling. -
Gaza Flotilla Incident
After Hamas violently seized control from the Palestinian Authority in
2007, Egypt and Israel began a blockade to prevent Hamas from
smuggling weapons and missiles into Gaza. -
Prisoner Exchange for Gilad Shalit
In 2006 Hamas militants kidnapped Israeli Army soldier Gilad Shalit
in a cross-border raid into Israel from Gaza via underground tunnels.
Hamas held Shalit captive for five years. -
Gaza-IsraelConflictOperation Pillarof Defense
Over the course of 2011, 680 rockets, mortars and Grad missiles
were fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel. In March 2011, Israel first
deployed the Iron Dome missile defense system. -
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Kerry Israeli –PalestinianAuthority PeaceTalks
In 2013, a new round of direct peace talks between Israel and the
Palestinian Authority took place, led by U.S. Secretary of State John
Kerry. -
Kidnapping andMurder of ThreeIsraeli Teens andMurder of OnePalestinian Teen
Terrorists from Hebron, affiliated with Hamas, kidnapped and killed
three Israeli teenagers Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaar, and Naftali
Fraenkel as they were hitchhiking home in the West Bank. -
Gaza-IsraelConflict andOperationProtective Edge
Tensions increased during the intense search for the three missing
Israeli teenagers. From the day of the abductions on June 12th
through July 5th
, there were 117 rockets launched from Gaza into
Israel and approximately 80 Israeli air strikes on Gaza.