Arab israeli

The Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1917-2012

  • The Balfour Declaration

    The Balfour Declaration
  • The First Arab-Israeli War began

    The First Arab-Israeli War began
    Israel was invaded by the Arab League (Egypt, Transjordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Yemen).
  • The First Arab-Israeli War ended

    The First Arab-Israeli War ended
    Israel was victorious in the war. The photograph shows an IDF soldier raising the Israeli flag at Eilat.
  • The Suez Crisis began

    The Suez Crisis began
    IDF paratroopers landed on the east bank of the Suez Canal. This was an invasion of Egyptian territory.
  • The Suez Crisis ended

    The Suez Crisis ended
    The conflict ended with a UN ceasefire after huge pressure from the United States of America. Britain, France and Israel withdrew from Egyptian territory and a UN peacekeeping force was sent to defend the Israeli-Egyptian border.
  • Continued rocket attacks and IDF reprisals

    Continued rocket attacks and IDF reprisals
    In March 2012 Palestinian militants launched over 300 rocket attacks on Israel. The IDF responded with a 5-day air assault. The situation in 2012 was the same as back in 1987.