The Apartheid: Historical Background

By sm.diaz
  • Creation of the Union of South Africa

    Creation of the Union of South Africa
  • Formation of the SANNC

    Formation of the SANNC
    Formation of the South African Native National Congress (SANNC), renamed the African National Congress (ANC) in 1923
  • Natives Land Act

    Natives Land Act
  • Industrial and Commercial Union (ICU) formed

    Industrial and Commercial Union (ICU) formed
  • South African Indian Congress (SAIC) formed

    South African Indian Congress (SAIC) formed
  • Urban Areas Act

    Urban Areas Act
  • Native Administration Act

    Native Administration Act
  • All-African Convention formed

    All-African Convention formed
  • Native Trust and Land Act

    Native Trust and Land Act
  • Celebration of centenary of the Great Trek

    Celebration of centenary of the Great Trek
  • Youth League of the ANC formed

    Youth League of the ANC formed
  • 'Three Doctors' Pact' between ANC and SAIC

    'Three Doctors' Pact' between ANC and SAIC
  • National Party electoral victory

    National Party electoral victory