Rome Conquers Italy 265 B.C.
The conquering of Italy was one of the greatest steps in the empires history because it allowed them to because the strongest state. Since they conquered Italy they created states in that area which allowed them to expand their boarders and allow them access to a pool of military personal unrivalled by any other state. They were also able to create new alliances that they kept and used. This eventually led to the domination the Mediterranean world. This however was the being of the end for Rome -
The First Punic War 218 B.C.
The First Punic war in 264 B.C. led to the development of the roman navy because it showed that a new and upcoming empire could beat an existing one. At the time of this war Carthage was the existing empire and the battle mainly concentrated for the control of the island of Sicily. This war led to the growth of Rome because it ended in 241 BC, and the Carthaginians and Romans signed a treaty in which Carthage had to give up Sicily and pay the Romans to cover the cost of the war. This allowed Rom -
The Secon Punic War 218 B.C.
The Second Punic War in 218 B.C. led to the development of the Roman Army because the battle was between the two armies and this gave the Romans to show everyone what they were made of. Hannibal was the leader of Carthage at the time and he lead a surprise attack on the Romans and smashed the Roman army. He conquered all Italy except for two cites. This war however did help the growth of Rome because all of Rome’s allies came to Rome’s rescuer and without them Rome would have been defeated right -
The Third Punic War 149 B.C
The Punic War in 149 B.C. help to develop Rome’s sieging capability because Rome ended up laying siege to Carthage. Rome declared war against Carthage and Carthage tried to negotiate with Rome, but that didn’t work out and that led directly to the last Punic War. The Romans were able to fight their way into Carthage and completely destroy it and burn it to the ground. This event led to the growth of Rome because the Carthaginians were no longer a threat to the Roman Empire. They were also able t -
Caesar, Pmpey, & Crassus 59 B.C.
In 59 B.C Julius Caesar, Pompey and Crassus were the most important and powerful men in Rome and created a triumvirate. This helped develop Rome’s politics and laws. Their job was to oversee prisons, executions, and establishing colonies and the purpose was to consolidate the political power of the three and their supporters against the senatorial elite. This helped in the growth of Rome because they were able to work together to regain the loyalty of the people that was lost in the past years. -
Caesar Defeats Pompey 48 B.C.
In 59 B.C Julius Caesar, Pompey and Crassus were the most important men in Rome. However Caesar and Pompey didn’t get along well and Crassus acted as a buffer to keep them together. Once Crassus died all hell broke loose and Crassus launched a smear campaign against Caesar. So in return Caesar took his troops to Rome and called Pompey a coward and took off after him. This led to the growth of Rome because now Caesar was the dictator of Rome and could do whatever he wanted. He also created a num -
Death Of Caesar 44 B.C
In 44 B.C. Rome suffered the loss of Julius Caesar; he was assassinated by the roman senators led by Gaius Cassius Longinus and Marcus Junius Brutus. They felt that Caesar would overthrow the Senate and to get rid of him they came up with this plan to have everyone stab him so everyone shares in the blame. This led to the growth of the Roman Empire because they no longer had a dictator as a leader and they gained a new leader named Octavian. This event was a huge down fall for the Roman Empire b -
Octavain 31 B.C.
After the Death of Caesar his grandnephew Gaius Octavian was his sole heir and took control of the empire and consequently inherited the loyalty of the Roman populace. He helped develop the politics of Rome. He led to the growth of Rome by being able to restore some aspects of the republic and Octavian became the unchallenged ruler of Rome and gained the title Augustus. He also put Rome in to a time of peace that lasted for 207 years called Pax Romana. However this was a down fall because Octavi -
May 31, 677
Constantine 312 A.D.
In 312 A.D. Constantine secured control of the western part of the empire and in 324 he gained control of the East. He helped in the growth of Rome by making and continuing many social and economic policies that Diocletian had started. On the other hand Constantine made choices that lead to great consequence for the empire. One thing was that once aging Rome was under the control of one man. The other choice was the move the capital from Rome to the Greek city of Byzantium. This caused the power -
Diocletian 284 A.D
In 284 A.D. Diocletian became the leader of Rome he restored order to the Empire and helped in the growth of Rome by increasing its strength and he was also able to double the size of the Roman army. He also took it upon himself and sought to control the inflation problem. His actions led to the downfall of the empire because he felt that Rome had grown to big and wouldn’t be able to sustain itself so he divided it into an east and west empire. However, Diocletian retired in 305 A.D. because he -
Period: to
Roman Empire
Year 1 is equal to 265 B.C. and year 590 is equal to 324 A.D.