The Amish history

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    The Amish history

    The history of the amish community from the beginning to nowadays
  • First apparition of the name "Amish"

    Amish were usually Swiss German Anabaptist. In the beginning, this term was used to represent a certain group of Anabaptist and it was a mean term.
  • Anabaptist, Mennonites and Amish

    This branch of Anabaptist were the one which Amish belong and they lived by a simple way of life (religion, farming...). In the following years, Mennonites and Amish split in two groups with differents ways of life and became the Amish as we know today.
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    Emigration to the New World

    Amish were persecuted, killed and tortured because of their differences, that's why they decided to leave. At first only few of them make the journey (in the 18s). Later many more of them travel and settle in many differents states. They lived by their own rules and evolve during the following centuries.