The Americas

By vita255
  • Period: 1271 to 1295

    Marco Polo Explores China

    Marco Polo's journals written from exploring inspired many others to start their own quests of exploration.
  • 1453

    Fall of Constantinople

  • 1492

    Columbus Sailed the Ocean

    Columbus Sailed the Ocean
  • Period: 1493 to 1494

    IMPORTANT! -Line of Demarcation

    The Pope drew the line of demarcation to split the New World. He gave most of the New World to Spain and the rest to Portugal due to Portugal's complaints.
  • 1509

    King Henry IV Becomes King of England

    King Henry IV Becomes King of England
    King Henry IV mostly known for his many wives became King of England. He changed the religion of England for his own wishes of divorce after seeing Martin Luther's up rise against the Church. He converted people by telling them that they won't pay taxes to the Church anymore. He created the Church of England and the Anglicans and Catholics would continue to clash for years after.
  • 1517

    Martin Luther Writes the 95 Theses

    Martin Luther Writes the 95 Theses
    Martin Luther in protest to the Catholic Church wrote 95 theses against is some being that the Catholic Church is too fancy and distracting from the essence of the actual Church and you can't buy your way to Heaven. He started the Protestant Church.
  • 1519

    Cortes Conquers the Aztecs

    Cortes (a Spanish Conquistador) gains a major victory when he defeats the Aztecs.
  • 1521

    King Henry VIII earns the title of Defender of the Faith

    Pope Leo X awards Henry VIII the title of Defender of the Faith for his writings against Luther and Reformation.
  • 1532

    Incas vs Pizarro

  • 1534

    King Henry VIII becomes the supreme ruler of the Anglican Church

    King Henry VIII becomes the supreme ruler of the Anglican Church
    Act of Supremacy passed in Parliament. King Henry is now the supreme head of the Church of England (Anglican Church).
  • 1535

    Jacques Cartier

    Cartier claimed what is now Canada for France.
  • 1547

    King Henry VIII dies

    King Henry VIII dies. Edward VI ( Henry’s son) takes over.
  • 1553

    King Edward VI dies

    King Edward VI dies and Elizabeth's half-sister, Mary, becomes Queen Mary I.
  • 1554

    Elizabeth is imprisoned in The Tower of London

    Elizabeth is imprisoned in The Tower of London (She is freed the next year).
  • 1558

    Queen Mary I dies

    Queen Mary I dies and Elizabeth becomes Queen Elizabeth I.
  • 1562

    Elizabeth is seriously ill

  • 1564

    William Shakespeare is born

  • 1567

    Mary, Queen of Scots, is forced to abdicate the throne

  • 1568

    Mary, Queen of Scots, is imprisoned in England after fleeing Scotland.

  • 1570

    Elizabeth is excommunicated from the Catholic Church by the Pope

  • 1577

    Francis Drake sets out on the first English voyager around the world

    Francis Drake sent by Queen Elizabeth I was originally a pirate and was sent without a public announcement as a secret operation.
  • Sir Walter Raleigh goes to Virginia

    Sir Walter Raleigh goes to Virginia
  • Elizabeth takes The Netherlands under her protection, beginning the War with Spain.

  • Roanoke is trying to get settled

    Roanoke is trying to get settled
  • Defeat of the Spanish Armada

    Defeat of the Spanish Armada
  • Second Spanish Armada defeated

  • The Globe theater is opened

  • Death of Queen Elizabeth I

    Death of Queen Elizabeth I
    Death of Queen Elizabeth I and accession of King James I.
  • Jamestown was founded

  • Starving Time in Virginia

    Starving Time in Virginia
  • Tobacco

    Tobacco helps Virginia by bringing money which leads to investors.
  • Slavery is on the rise