After the Civil War in America the United States utilized all the new factories developed to fight the war would now be used for peacetime in Indrustrialized activities. This was the beginning of the massive growth of Industrialization in America. -
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
Originally created to hinder many large business trusts that halted even eliminated compitition in many fields and markets. It was a pivitol piece of legislature that showed the increase of government into the economy. -
Pure Food And Drug Act
The first Pure Food and Drug Act was passed in 1906. The purpose was to protect the public against adulteration of food and from products identified as healthful without scientific support. The original Pure Food and Drug Act was amended in 1912, 1913, and 1923. -
Rosa Parks- Activist
Rosa Parks was born on February 4, 1913 in Tuskegee, Alabama. Civil rights activist Rosa Parks refused to surrender her bus seat to a white passenger, spurring the Montgomery boycott and other efforts to end segregation. -
Womens Suffrage
The fight for womens suffrage began to take infuential shape during the progressive era were it would become a key issue. The ability for women to vote massively infuenced future elections and policies. -
Cesar Chavez- Activist
Born near Yuma, Arizona, on March 31, 1927, Cesar Chavez employed nonviolent means to bring attention to the plight of farmworkers, and formed both the National Farm Workers Association, which later became United Farm Workers. Union leader and labor organizer Cesar Chavez dedicated his life to improving treatment, pay and working conditions for farm workers. -
Black Tuesday
Also known as the Wall Street Crash of 1929 it was marked as the begining of the Great Depression. There is still debate among many acedemics on the role Black Tuesday played in the Great Depression, however, most believe that it indeed was . -
Non Aggression agreement
On August 23, 1939, representatives from Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union met and signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact, which guaranteed that the two countries would not attack each other. By signing this pact, Germany had protected itself from having to fight a two-front war in the soon-to-begin World War II. -
Pearl Harbor
The attack on Pearl Harbor was a Japanese raid on multiple naval and air bases in or around Pearl Harbor. The event cast the United States into WW2 and officaly declared war on Japan, and the Axis powers. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban Missile Crisis was a short period event of heightened relations between the USSR and the USA. It was caused by the discovery of several Soviet nuclear bases in the island of Cuba. The event was later resolved with both nations removing nuclear weapons from proximity to each others borders. -
MLK Assassination
Martin Luther King, Jr., was an American clergyman and civil rights leader who was fatally shot at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee, on Thursday, April 4, 1968, at the age of 39. King was rushed to St. Joseph's Hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 7:05 p.m. that evening -
Mikhail Gorbachev becomes General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Mikhail Govachev served as General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1985 until 1991. He instituted many democratic and economic reforms. He was the last Leadere USSR before its downfall. -
Spanish American War
A war between America and Spain sparked with the revolution in Cuba against colonial spanish rule. It was considered one of many American Imperialist policies that would begin to develop concerning many Latin American countries. -
War on Terror
The War on Terror was a dedication of the United Sates to fight terrorism around the would. This in response to the 9/11 bombings that suprised the nation.