The American Revolutionary war timeline

By xiaoyi
  • Period: to

    The French and Indian war

    The war took place between 1753 and 1763 Where French and Great Britain were fighting over land in North America, French certainly posed a threat to Great Britain at first but Great Britain soon gain ground and defeated the French and taking all of their lands except for two, at a cost of Great Britain going into debt which will eventually lead to the American Revolutionary war.
  • Britain's new law

    Britain's new law
    After winning the American Revolutionary war, Great Britain was in massive debt that it couldn't pay off, then Great Britain turned their eyes to the colonists to pay off its debt, which Great Britain do by passing New Laws. The new law consist of colonists having to pay more taxes such as tea and sugar, and the Quartering Act was it required the colonist to house soldiers in their houses. This act would increase the tension between the colonist and Great Britain.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Colonists were protesting against British soldiers. They threw snowballs at the soldiers, It was unknown who and why but someone shouted "Fire!". Then as the soldiers mistook it as the commander giving them permission to shoot the colonist they began shooting them, and soon 5 colonists collapsed and died on the spot. And news began to spread.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The stamp act was eventually repealed, but Britain said it still had the power to tax the colonies, and by that, they meant the only tax that remain was on the Tea which was 3 c per pound. The colonist clearly wasn't happy about this women began boycotting tea and started drinking coffee, the Tea Act also lead the colonist to respond by dumping millions worth of tea in order to protest against the tea act which is now famously known as the Boston Tea Party.
  • The First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress
    In 1774 The First Continental Congress was a Delegate from twelve of Britain's thirteen American colonies that met to discuss America's future under growing British aggression. It established the minutemen Colonist soldiers who would be ready to resist the British on short notice.
  • The Battle of Lexington and Concord

    The Battle of Lexington and Concord
    The Battle of Lexington and Concord would be the mark of the American war. The day Before the battle a member of the sons of liberty had learned British troops would march to concord the next day, he then sent two men secretly to alert the town of Lexington then to concord. The next day morning nearly 700 British troops marched to Lexington where they met 77 armed colonists. The battle ended with the colonist in victory and proved the colonist has the strength to fight back against the British.
  • Rebelliance

    In May of 1775, the second Continental Congress established the Continental Army to coordinate the military efforts of the Colonies in their war for independence against Great Britain. The Continental Army was led by G. Washington of his experience with the French and Indian war. Attempts had been made to reach out to the king with Olive Branch Petition. King Geoge declared the colonies in rebellion.
  • The Declaration of independence

    The Declaration of independence
    The events of 1775 pushed the colonists toward independence, Colonists viewed themselves as British and believe that they are entitled to the same rights even though they are separated by Ocean across 3,000 Mi. John Locke's Ideas were key points that influence the Declaration of Independence and Thomas Jefferson was given the task to write the first draft of the Declaration. The Declaration of independence had the idea of everyone was created equal and everyone had the right to pursue happiness.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    The Battle of Saratoga would mark the turning point of the American Revolutionary War. The American would defeat of the superior British army lifted patriot morale, and furthered the hope for independence, and this battle would serve to pursue the French to ally with the Americans. Recognition would provide America with money and supplies to fight the war.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Signed in sep-3-1783 British recognize the US as an independent nation, the Mississippi River would be the western border of the US and Britain would leave all of their western forts, Spain would regain Florida, and US merchants agreed to ay British merchants what they owe them.