Proclamation Of 1763
After the French and Indian War, England was in great debt. So after winning the Ohio Valley territory, King George enforced a law tbat the colonists could not cross the divde of the appalacian mountains. The Proclamation was made to extinguish this law and allow people to travel past the mountainouns divdie. -
The Sugar Act
The Sugar Act of 1764 repealed the previous tax on molasses. In addition to promising stricter enforcement, the purpose of the bill made it clear that it was not to simply regulate the trade as the Molasses Act had attempted to do by effectively closing the legal trade to non-British suppliers but to raise taxes -
The Stamp Act
The Stamp Act was a tax emposed on the American colonists during the rule of King George III. The tax's purpose to have colonists pay for all paper related goods, such as; paper, marriage license, stamps, newspapers etc. -
The Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre was an even that changed the 13 colonies forever. British soldiers were being teased by five colonists, younger men. Soon the soldiers openly fired on the five boys, killing them all. -
The Tea Act
The Tea Act was actually the British lowering taxes on tea. Although to some people one would think that lower prices were good, however the colonists were not fooled. The colonists believed that the British tea companies would run out all american buisnesses and become a monoply just to raise the tax on tea once again. -
The Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party was a rebelious act by the colonists that conveyed that if they couldnt participate in the British Governemnt, then the British didnt deserve the money of the colonists, Or thier precious tea. -
The 1st Continental Congress
This council was formed by delegates of 12/13 colonies to try and form some type of government. This council met after the Intolerable Acts were enforced on the colonists, also as s result of the Boston Tea Party -
Lexington & Concord
England and America were involved with these 2 important battles, these battles were fought because of americans refusing to buy their products (boycotting) so as not being a part of British parliment, the colonists rebelled against England. As a result of this, England had planned to take the colonies by force so, in preparation the colonies did what is now commonly known as Gorilla Warfare. This was stratigy was used to sike out your enemy or to take them by surprise -
The Delcleration of Independence
The Decleration of Indepepndence was a document that the patriots wrote to break all ties with England and become their own country, independent rather.
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