The Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre was basically a street fight. The British that were patrolling had snow, rocks and sticks thrown at them. At one point someone yelled fire and five people were killed and six others were injured. This event was key because it started some of the Americans dislike for the British. Link for picture - http://revolution.mrdonn.org/bostonmassacre.jpg -
The Battle of Trenton
The Battle of Trenton was a small but great win for the Americans. Early on December 26, 1776 the Americans attacked the drunk, sleepy Hessians after their Christmas celebration and the Hessians quickly surrendered. This was a well planned and great battle for the Americans. Link for picture - http://cdn.history.com/sites/2/2013/11/Battle-of-Trenton-Princeton-H.jpeg -
The Surrender of John Burgoyne
The Surrender of General John Burgoyne at Saratoga was a major turning point in the war because since no one rendezvoused with him, and he was short on men, he fought alone and was defeated and surrendered. After this, many people gained confidence in the Continental Army. Link for picture - https://www.aoc.gov/sites/default/files/styles/artwork-node/public/images/artwork/6237908336_e2eb8717cd_b.jpg?itok=kExUtpct -
The French Alliance
The French Alliance was a defensive alliance that would ensure the help of the French to the Americans. Some of the reasons that compelled the French to help were that the were still a bit sore about the French and Indian War, and some truly believed in the American cause. Link for picture - https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/64/Franco_American_treaty_of_alliance_6_feb_1778.jpg/170px-Franco_American_treaty_of_alliance_6_feb_1778.jpg -
The Exposure of Benedict Arnold
On September 21, 1780, Benedict Arnold met British General John Andre to hand over West Point to the British. Benedict Arnold did this because he felt that he was not getting enough credit for his efforts in the war. Andre got captured on the 23 and Benedict Arnold was exposed. Since then, Benedict Arnold meant traitor. Link for picture - http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-jD99QMkKLc4/UTOsrMSb8HI/AAAAAAAAAAU/5Qa6RvM91w8/s1600/ba+engrave.jpg -
Surrender at Yorktown
The Surrender at Yorktown happened after British General Cornwallis was forced to surrender because the Americans and the British cornered him with the French at sea and the Americans on land. This last battle finally forced the British to accept that the war was over and the Americans had won. Link for picture - http://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large/yorktown-surrender-1781-granger.jpg