The American History (since 1492)

By 34125
  • 1492

    Columbus discovered America

  • 1500

    more ships sailed west (in next decades)

    -Spanish began building their American Empire
    -France founded colonies in eastern America
    -Portugal colonized Brazil
  • English colonists settled eastern Sea coast (17th century)

    (along with Dutch and Swedes)
  • Jamestown was found

  • established commercial agriculture

    (by English colonists in the late 17th century)
  • Slavery

    Africans slaves compromised 1/5 of the American population
  • Boston Massacre

  • Boston Tea Party

    (start of revolution)
  • 1. Continental Congress

  • 2. Continental Congress

    (order to organize the defense of the colonies against the British army)
  • Period: to

    America revolution war

  • Declaration of Independence

  • Peace of Paris

  • Bill of Rights

  • Period: to

    Economic expansion

    more industries were created, ascent of infrastructure
  • Lousiana purchase

  • banning slavery

    United States led by Lincoln, supporting banning slavery in all territories
  • South revolt

    After Lincoln was elected, states from South the Confederation attacked the rest
  • Period: to

    Civil war

  • archived victory

    Confederates were defeated. Slavery was abolished under the Thirteenth Amendment.
  • 1. World war

    Americans joined Allies
  • women‘s suffrage

    right to vote is given to women by the 19th Amendment
  • Great Depression

  • Attacked by Japanese Empire

    Unites attacked after joining the Allies
  • Us drops atomic bombs on Japan at Hiroshima & Nagasaki

  • Cold War

    Cold War begins between US & Soviet Union
  • Civil rights movement started

  • American Spanish war

    won by America
  • attacked by Al-Qaeda

    —> followed wars in Iraq & Afghanistan
  • Worst economic crisis since Great Depression

  • Obama as the first African American president