Decleration of independence
This was the start of where the american dream truely began. We wanted to be seperate from England and be on our own. This was the start of creating and acieving the american dream. -
Constitution created
On this date the United States Constitution was created. In this document it stated the rules and how the governements three brachs of power will work. -
George Washington Taking office
As a new country we need to have some type of leadership. George Washington being elected as the first president is where the American first became real. It may be a different verision of ewhat we have today however back then there was one to. -
Star Spangled Banner/ National Anthem
On this date the famous poem was sung and became the treasured anthem of our country decribing that no matter what our country will always be standing. -
The gold rush
Durring this time many americans traveled to California in search of gold. This gold was found in abundance until it finaly ran out. Many people achieved their goal of finding their money and achieving the american dream. -
American Civil War
Greatly impacted the American for the whole nation. Southerners no longer had slaves and had to figure out who would work on the plantations. Slaves were freed and were able to live their lives. During the war brother fought against brother seperating famlies forever. Overall the entire nation was impacted and the way of life changed for everyone. -
Ellis Island opened
This is the immigration facility that more people travel throught. At this area people came to America in search of a new start or a better life. This are made it possible for thousans to achieve that dream. -
Womens right to vote campaign
Durring this time women did not have the right to vote. Only men were able to vote and choose the direction their country was moving towards. Women finaly were able to find the courage and stand up for their beliefs and their rights. -
The Great Depression began
Durring this time it took away may items from people. Such as their homes, jobs, clothing, and basically everything that they had. This made the American dream seam impossible to achieve, but we built ourselves back up makeing those dreams even better and more precious for people. -
Vermont Euganics
They decided to sterilize, institunalize, and kill races they believed were unfit. -
The Holocaust
This saddening event in Europe affected millions of Jewish, Gay, and disabled people. Eliminating millions those who were left sought out to create a better life. Some finding that life in America (their saviors). -
World War II
Durring this time many Americans went to fight the battle that no one wanted to fight. They did this to protect their famlies and to maintain their lives. They wanted to protect the American dream for evryone so that it was a possibility and not a fantasy. -
Martin luther King Jr protesting 33
Martin Luther King around this date started protesting the idea that black people were less than white people. He came up with the idea that white and blacks should be integated not only in schools be public places as well. This act, which resulted in his death, would change the way people view each other forever. -
First man on the moon
Being able to go to space was a dream for people in te past on this date that dream was achieved. This promised great things in the future. " One step for man and one giant lepa for mankind". -
First computer being introduced.
Very rarely will you walk into a house or school that doesn't have a computer. The invention of the computer made its way into the American dream. -
The first ipod was invented
This changed the world of technology forever thus changing the american dream. -
First state made same-sex marriage legal
This allowed those who were gay to get married and live their lives the way every one else in America does. -
Hurrican Katrina hit the southern area of America
This event took out billions of dollars wort of homes, churches, school, and many more. It took many live those of people and animals. This event is still being cleaned up today. This made the American dream change for all of those people. -
The United States accepted more legal immigrants than any other country
Durring this year the United states accepted more legal immigrants as perminate residents than any other countryworld wide. This makeing the dream of a better life possible for every single person that was accepted as a legal immigrant perminalty. -
President Obama being elected
This impacted the american dream for african americans. This made African americans believing that they can truly do everything.